Page 16 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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I sink into my chair, staring at the grainy photo of the man who holds my brother's fate in his hands, and a cold, familiar resolve settles over me.

When it comes down to it, because there's truly no other choice... I'll do what needs to be done. To protect Miron. To protect my family.

Even if it means losing Sydney in the process.



Isink into the plush leather chair behind Avros's desk, my fingertips tracing idle patterns on the polished mahogany surface. The house is eerily quiet without his commanding presence filling every room. It's been hours since he left abruptly, a tense phone call sending him out the door with barely a word of explanation.

My mind drifts back to our last encounter, heat rising to my cheeks as I remember the scorching intensity of his kiss. The way his large, calloused hands cupped my face so gently, even as his mouth claimed mine with fierce possession. I can still feel the ghost of his touch on my skin, igniting sparks wherever his fingers trailed.

Unbidden, the image of Avros in the sauna flashes through my mind—all taut muscle and bronzed skin gleaming with a sheen of sweat. The memory of his piercing blue eyes raking over my body sends a shiver down my spine. His hard length,unabashedly naked, drawing my gaze despite myself. How can one man be so dangerously attractive?

I shake my head, trying to dispel these distracting thoughts. This isn't the time for daydreaming about Avros's chiseled abs or the tantalizing trail of dark hair leading down to...

No. Focus, Sydney.

Why did he leave so suddenly? What urgent business could pull him away without explanation? The uneasy feeling in my gut grows stronger as I consider the possibilities. Given what I've seen and overheard since coming here, I doubt it's anything legal.

My eyes roam over the study, taking in details I've been too nervous to really examine before. Everything speaks of wealth and power—from the priceless artwork adorning the walls to the antique globe that probably costs more than a year of my college tuition.

But it's the casual way Avros tosses around money that truly unsettles me. Just yesterday, he handed me a black credit card with instructions to "get whatever I need" for my new role. As if unlimited funds were no more consequential than offering a stick of gum.

That kind of wealth doesn't come from above-board business dealings. The realization sits heavy in my stomach, impossible to ignore any longer.

I stand, driven by a restless energy I can't quite name. Is it fear? Curiosity? Both? My fingers trail along the spines of leather-bound books lining the shelves. So many titles in languages I can't even identify.

One book catches my eye. It seems slightly out of place among its fellows. As I reach for it, my heart nearly stops at the soft 'click' that echoes through the room. A section of the bookcase swings inward, revealing a hidden chamber beyond.

For a long moment, I simply stare, unable to believe what I'm seeing. It's like something out of a movie, a secret room right here in Avros's study. My pulse races as I debate what to do. This is my chance to uncover some real answers about the man who's turned my life upside down. But if he catches me I’m going to be in a world of trouble.

The thought sends ice through my veins. I remember the steel in Avros's voice when he spoke of protecting his family at any cost. What would he do to keep his secrets safe?

And yet, I have to know.

Taking a deep breath, I step into the hidden room. The air is cool and slightly musty, as if the space isn't opened often. As my eyes adjust to the dimness, I feel the blood drain from my face.

Weapons. The room is filled with weapons.

Sleek pistols line one wall, their metal gleaming dully in the low light. Next to them is a rack of rifles, shotguns, and even semi-automatics, their black shapes promising dark consequences. Another shelf holds an array of knives, from small, wicked-looking blades to long, curved machetes. There are even a few items I can't identify, strange contraptions that look both high-tech and lethal, possibly smoke bombs or other things I dare not think about.

My stomach churns as the reality of Avros's world truly sinks in. This isn't just some wealthy businessman with a few shady dealings. This is the arsenal of a serious criminal, someone whodeals in violence and death as casually as others might deal in stocks and bonds.

And with the amount of money he casually throws around... the priceless artworks on the wall, crystal chandeliers, the deeds I've seen in my new job that go to multiple properties... He deals in a lot of violence. The kind of violence that doesn't flinch at threatening a judge, bribing a District Attorney, or worse. Making people disappear.

I told him I was worried he was a cold-blooded killer. With the way he touched me, I somehow convinced myself that I was wrong. Now, looking around at the array of weapons he keeps casually hidden in a secret room in his mansion, I realize I was even more right than I knew.

I back away, bile rising in my throat. What have I gotten myself into? How could I have been so naive, so foolish, to think I could play this game with Avros and come out unscathed?

A sound from the hallway makes me freeze. Footsteps, approaching the study. Panic surges through me as I realize I'm about to be caught red-handed.

I scramble to close the secret door, my hands shaking so badly I can barely grip the edge of the bookshelf. Just as I think I figured it out, as I feel the press of a latch, the study door swings open.

Avros stands in the doorway, his imposing figure filling the frame. His steel-blue eyes lock onto me immediately, taking in my flushed face, my trembling hands. A small smile plays at the corners of his mouth, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Curious little cat," he murmurs, his voice dangerously soft. "Did you find anything interesting?"

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