Page 11 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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The wine and intimate setting have lowered our guards, and I find myself wanting to prolong this moment. "What do you say we move this conversation somewhere more relaxing?" I ask Sydney as I finish off the rest of my wine.

Her brow furrows slightly. "What did you have in mind?"

"How about a nice soak in the sauna?" I suggest, my voice low and intimate. "It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day."

Sydney bites her lower lip, indecision warring in her expressive eyes. "I don't know... I didn't bring a swimsuit or anything."

I chuckle, letting my gaze roam appreciatively over her figure. "You won't need one. We Russians aren't shy about such things."

Her eyes widen almost comically. "You mean that I should be naked?"

"Is that a problem?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

She shifts nervously, averting her gaze. "I've just that never done anything like that before."

My chest tightens at the reminder of her innocence. It's part of what drew me to her in the first place—that spark of purity in my dark world. And yet, a primal part of me longs to corrupt her, to claim every inch of her innocent flesh.

I stand, moving around the table to stand behind her chair. Leaning down, I brush my lips against the shell of her ear as I whisper, "You're safe with me, Sydney. I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. But I think you'll find the experience quite liberating. It’s quite natural."

I feel her shiver at my proximity, her breath catching audibly. After a long moment, she nods. "Alright. I'll try it."

"Excellent," I purr, straightening up. "Why don't you go upstairs and get ready? I'll meet you at the sauna in fifteen minutes. It's down the hall to the left. You can't miss it."

As Sydney hurries from the kitchen, I allow myself a satisfied smirk. The night is looking up indeed.

I make my way to the sauna, shedding my clothes as I go. The cedar-paneled room is already warm and steamy, the hot rocks hissing as I ladle water over them. I settle onto one of the wooden benches, letting the heat seep into my muscles.

As I wait for Sydney to join me, I can't help but picture how she'll look, all creamy skin and lush curves, glistening with a sheen of sweat. My cock stiffens at the thought. I'll have to be careful not to push her too far too fast. But a little harmless flirtation never hurt anyone.

The door creaks open, admitting a waft of cooler air. I sit up straighter, anticipation thrumming through my veins. Whatever happens next, I have a feeling it will change everything between us.

Sydney enters hesitantly, her eyes widening as they land on my naked form. She clutches a large towel to her body, her knuckles white with tension. I drink in the sight of her bare shoulders, the graceful curve of her calves, the hint of cleavage peeking above the towel's edge.

"Come,krasotka," I say, patting the bench beside me. "You can keep your towel on if you wish."

She swallows hard, visibly steeling herself before approaching. With trembling hands, she wraps the towel tight and quickly sits, keeping her gaze averted from my naked body, though not so averted that she doesn't take a few peeks.

Steam rises around us in the dimly lit sauna, casting everything in a hazy, dreamlike glow. I recline on the wooden bench, unabashedly naked, watching Sydney from hooded eyes. She tries hard to pretend she doesn't see my naked body, a becoming blush creeping down her neck that has nothing to do with the heat.

My eyes trace the delicate line of her collarbone, following a bead of sweat as it trails tantalizingly downward. I've seen countless beautiful women in various states of undress, but there's something about Sydney's innocence, her barely concealed vulnerability, that sets my blood on fire.

"Relax," I say, my voice low and soothing. "The heat will do you good. It helps with the tension, and god knows too many peoplecarry immense tension with them. It’s time to unwind and allow all that to dissolve away into a state of greater relaxation."

Sydney nods, her teeth worrying her lower lip in a way that makes me want to soothe the sting with my tongue. "It is nice," she admits softly. "Very... primal somehow."

I hum in agreement, shifting slightly to ease the growing tension in my groin. "The sauna strips away all pretense. It leaves us bare in more ways than one."

Her emerald eyes flick to mine, a spark of curiosity igniting behind the nervousness. "Is that why you suggested this? To strip away my defenses?"

My lips curl into a predatory smile. "Perhaps. Is it working?"

To my surprise and delight, Sydney doesn't shy away from my boldness. Instead, she tilts her chin up defiantly, a glimmer of steel beneath her soft exterior. "You tell me, Mr. Petrov."

The challenge in her voice stokes the fire burning in my veins. I lean forward, closing the distance between us. "I think it is," I grumble, my gaze locked on hers. "I think you're starting to see the real me, Sydney. The question is... do you like what you see?"

Her breath catches, her chest rising and falling rapidly beneath the towel. For a moment, I think she might bolt. But then something shifts in her eyes. A decision made, a line crossed.

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