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I still didn’t answer him. Sliding the knife up inside Dino’s throat, I scraped along the backside in a scooping motion, slicing through more muscles and the lingual arteries.

Pulling the knife back out, I jammed it into one of Dino’s eyeballs before sticking my now-free hand back into the underside of his throat. I didn’t have to double-check to make sure Phillip was watching me closely — he hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away from the minute Dino’s guts hit the floor.

Yanking the tongue and arteries out from the Italian’s throat, I let the head fall and kicked it out of my way. It rolled until it thumped against the knife handle and stopped, rocking back and forth.

I stepped up to the edge of the chainlink, studying the tongue before slapping it against the side of the kennel, holding it in place so Phillip could see it up close and personal.

After the initial horror wore off, his eyes narrowed in recognition. “You fucking animal. It’syou.”

Pulling the gaiter down, I greeted him with a dark smile. “Scared now?”

Revealing my identity was a calculated risk but it was worth the satisfaction of seeing this asshole’s face when he realized how much he’d fucked up. He already had me arrested once; it wouldn’t happen a second time. As of right now, there was no proof of his kidnapping. I could let him go that very moment, right in front of a police station, and there wouldn’t be anything to prove I kidnapped him, or even broke his fingers.

Phillip came closer to the chainlink, refueled by his anger. “Does my son know I’m here?”

“Nowyou care about him?”

“Just wondering what he’d think if he knew what a sadistic psychopath you are.”

“What makes you think he doesn’t already know?” I smirked at him.

Phillip’s cold gaze took me in from head to toe and back again, his lip curling in obvious disgust. “There’s no way in hell he’d be with a fucking barbarian like you if he knew the truth.”

“Because he’s too good? Too kind?”

“Too weak,” Phillip snapped. “He’s too much of his mother’s son.”

“And you think you’re stronger than he is?”

“I know I am. I didn’t make it this far in life by rolling over and fucking taking it up the ass. He wouldn’t last a day in my shoes.”

“We’ll see.” I let go of the tongue. It landed on the floor with another splat. Phillip jerked back, glowering at the tongue.

Chuckling, I turned and headed for the door. Pausing next to the small radio, I turned on the special playlist for guests like Phillip — a cacophony of babies crying, men howling in pain, metal screeching over glass, and death metal. I made sure the volume was up as loud as it would go and flipped the switch for the strobe light before closing the door behind me.



“What are you doing now?”Sasha groaned, burying his face into my ribcage and dragging me closer. The stubble on his cheek scraped my skin, but I hardly noticed as I continued typing, making sure my sentence structure and word choice matched the other examples perfectly.

“Sending emails,” I replied.

Something along the lines of “It’s three in the morning,” rumbled out of him, muffled by me and the mattress.

“But it’s ten in the morning in Zurich.”

“What?” He lifted his head, black brows furrowed and pale eyes bleary. “Who the fuck cares what’s happening in Zurich?”

“My dad.” I hit send and tossed the phone to the side. “All part of the coverup. This last minute ‘trip’ he’s on is now in his schedule, which only he and Joyce have access to. He’s emailing and texting people while he’s ‘away,’ so no one will be the wiser. And when we let him go, he can go to the police all he wants, but who is going to believe him? He literally has no proof other than his injuries, which could have been self-inflicted. How did you break his fingers, anyway?”

“Hammer,” he answered distractedly, his brows still knitted together. “Should I be concerned with the amount of thought you put into all of this?”

“Nope.” I kissed his lips and slid down the mattress, rolling over and settling into my pillow. “Goodnight!”

“No, no, no.” His hand snaked under my arm and planted against my shoulder, rolling me onto my back again. “What else are you planning?”

I couldn’t help but sigh. “Which part?”

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