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Despite his nod, he looked as skeptical as before.

Without another word, his hand slipped out of mine and he climbed into Ilya’s car. I sent Ilya a quick text with a simple directive —Don’t let him get caught up in his head.

Once the BMW was out of sight, I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. Cracking my neck from side to side, I turned and headed in the opposite direction.

* * *

Phillip wasawake by the time I got back. I made sure the gaiter was pulled up over my nose before dragging Dino, or whatever the fuck his name was, into the room.

“You are so fucked,” Phillip spat as soon as I appeared. “You are going to regret ever laying a fucking finger on me.”

Sure, I wasn’t. Even if he hadn’t been abandoned by all of his friends and associates, I had nothing to fear from a dickhead in an expensive suit.

Stringing Dino up by his hands in front of the kennel, I anchored the chain to the wall and retrieved my duffel bag from the corner.

“Are you fucking listening to me?!” Phillip yelled, shaking the chainlink as hard as he could.

I slipped one hand into the bag and rummaged around, taking my time walking back to the pair before ultimately coming to a stop in front of the cage.

Phillip glared at me, hanging on to the door, much like his son had. “Had a change of heart? Huh? Realize you’re a fucking dead man walking?”

Smiling to myself, I slammed the ball-peen hammer into his knuckles as hard as I could.

He screamed, yanking his mangled fingers back through the chainlink.

All of the screaming roused Dino. He picked his head up and looked around, blood dripping from the bullet holes in his abdomen at a steady rate.

Tossing the bag near Dino, along with the hammer, I held up a filet knife instead.

“Call Joey,” Dino sputtered. “He’ll deal, ok? He didn’t know Tony was going to do this.”

I sliced off the top button of his shirt with a flick of my wrist.

“Come on, man.”

A second button dropped to the ground.

“I got money.”

And another.

“Please, goddamn it! I got kids!”

By the final button he stopped begging and switched to praying.

Pausing momentarily, I turned halfway to make sure Phillip was paying attention. The asshole didn’t know where to look — at me, or at Dino.

I kept my gaze on the senior Sinclair when I plunged the knife into the Italian’s soft belly. A rush of blood shot out, pooling at my feet. Changing my grip on the handle, I ripped it sideways, cutting right through his abdominal muscles. Intestines spilled out of him like sausages, hitting the cement with wet splats.

“You’re a fucking savage!” Phillip shouted from the corner of his confinement, holding his crippled hand against his chest.

Dino was still twitching and jerking when I walked around behind him. Grabbing a fistful of hair, I yanked his head back and repeated the same deep slash across his throat. Blood sprayed in front of him, sadly not far enough to drench Phillip, but the visual effect was still cinematic.

With Dino’s head practically decapitated, it wasn’t much effort to slip the filet blade between his vertebrae and sever it the rest of the way.

Tossing the head back and forth in my hands like a football, I strolled over to Phillip.

“What the fuck do you want from me?” he asked, his voice hollow. It took watching another human literally lose their head for him to realize the severity of his situation and to learn bravado would get him absolutely nowhere with me — nor would begging. But at least it was progress.

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