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Seeing no other suitable choice, I stomped after him. “I didn’t call you.”

“Ah, ah. Zip those luscious lips until we’re outside, m’kay pumpkin?”

God, I hated this man.

He didn’t let me speak again until we were in his car, a black Maserati that I had to begrudgingly admit was rather impressive. “Let’s run through the highlights, shall we? You headbutted Daddy Sinclair in the middle of a very busy restaurant and nearly stabbed him with a steak knife. Are you at all surprised he turned around and pressed charges against your dumb ass? Now, lucky for you, the State’s Attorney and I are pretty damn chummy and I was able to have those charges dismissed. You’re welcome, by the way. Had to cash in a hefty favor for that one.”

“And why would you do any of that?”

“I am a champion of justice, my friend. Fighting the good fight. Righting the wrongs. Etcetera, etcetera.” He waved a hand dramatically, silver rings flashing on nearly every finger.

“Roan called you,” I said flatly.

“Yeah, Roan called me.”

I suppressed a groan, glaring at the window as the buildings rolled by. Why the fuck would Roan call this asshole? Out of all of the lawyers in the city. Sergei had dozens of them on standby. I didn’t need this guy and I certainly didn’t want him.

“Can’t have you going back to prison now that my little songbird’s heart is clearly on the line,” Bennett continued, throwing a warning look at me. “Oh, yeah. I know all about you, Wolf. You think I didn’t do a background check on your ass as soon as Roan called? The only thing I couldn’t figure out is how the hell you ever crossed paths with him.”

The way he spoke with such familiarity grated on me. I clenched my hand in my lap, envisioning the damage I could do with just one fucking punch. “Why should you care about Roan’s heart or how we met?”

“Ooo. Sasha. I thought those eyes of yours were blue. I’m seeing nothing but green, comrade.” He chuckled, exchanging his left hand on the wheel for his right, conveniently putting up a barrier between me and his throat. Not that I couldn’t still punch him, but his new position threw the angle off. “Calm down before you go all Chernobyl on me.”

“Answer the fucking question.”

The jest wisely left his face and his tone, but not the all-knowing smugness. “His father is a fucking asshole I’ve had the displeasure of doing business with for a while now. Roan is a good kid. He deserves to be happy. Even if you tried to break my wrist the first time we met, I think it’s safe to say you want the same thing for him.”

“I would do anything for him. And I meananything.” Including ripping cocky lawyers apart, one limb at a time.

“Yeah?” He stole another glance at me out of the corner of his eye.

“Yeah,” I shot back, mimicking his tone.

“Good. Guess that means I don’t have to kill you after all.” Something silver flashed in his lap, drawing my attention downward. He twirled an ornate stiletto around his in left hand, weaving the blade between his fingers as easily as if it were a pen. As if I didn’t have enough reasons to already fucking hate him…

When my gaze flicked up again, he gave me a sidelong look. One final spin of the knife and it disappeared out of view, presumably back to its hiding place along the driver’s seat. Once it was gone, he took the wheel back with his left hand, lowering his right.

Unclenching my hands and laying them flat where he could see them, I forced myself to press back into my seat in some attempt at relaxing.

It was as much of a truce as we were going to establish.

“While I’ve got you alone... You know anything about that dead girl from my party?” Bennett asked as casually as if we were discussing the weather.

“What about her?”

“Who killed her would be a great start. Nothing spoils the evening quite like a murder investigation.”

“I have no idea. And even if I did, why should you care?”

“Curiosity. Just like I’m curious as to why you almost strangled her to death.”


“Before you eventhinkabout lying, know there were cameras all over that house.”

“Then you should know who killed her,” I snapped. Figures he’d be the type to spy on people at his own party. It’s probably how he got all the dirt he used to fucking blackmail them. Although, I shouldn’t slam his methods entirely, considering he helped me out by doing something equally shady.

“See… That’s the problem with a masquerade…” He rolled his head against the headrest and looked at me with a bored expression. “Everyone’s wearing amask.”

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