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Samuel: Ok

That was it. The incessant texting dwindled, especially since the show was done. Samuel threw out the occasional meme, but Roan barely replied.

His earlier lie by omission was at least understandable now. He had taken Sergei’s warning seriously, and being that Feodor was related to him, it made sense Roan didn’t want to advertise our relationship to anyone at the theater.

But Samuel was still getting his one warning. Sleeping-me and Awake-me were two entirely different people and Awake-me had had enough of watching someone else try to edge into my territory.

While I waited for the would-be-interloper to come home, I rifled through the rest of the house, filling in the blanks of whatever Eduard couldn’t find online. There wasn’t much to tell. Overall, Samuel was an unremarkable man leading an unremarkable life. I knew I wasn’t good enough for Roan by virtue of all the things I’d done. But this idiot? Even on his best day, he’dstillnever be good enough. Roan deserved extraordinary. I may not have been extraordinary, but I’d make damn sure I gave him the best of everything, even if it killed me. What did Samuel have to offer? A Costco membership and an alarming number of action figures on display?

It was late afternoon before Samuel came in through the front door. If he noticed the work van out front, it didn’t seem to concern him considering he walked in and threw his shit down on a bench by the front door, immediately heading toward the kitchen.

I let him duck into the fridge and grab a bottle of water before I stepped into the doorway, making sure to drag the heavy, blunted side of the sledge axe along the floor as I went.

Samuel bolted upright, cracking his skull on the bottom of the freezer door. Swearing, he held his head with one hand and scrambled backward. “What the fuck?! How did you — what the — Shit!”

I kept walking, backing him into the corner of the kitchen counters, the sledge axe scraping over the peeling linoleum. As soon as he was trapped, I lifted the axe and let the handle slide through my hand, tightening my grip again right beneath the metal wedge. It gave me the option to either cut or bludgeon him if I wanted to. I still hadn’t decided. “You know who I am?”

His eyes bounced between my face and the axe head. Nodding vigorously, the tremors continued down his body. I towered over him without even trying. I didn’t realize how short he was until this moment. Even Roan was taller than him.

“You get one warning,” I said, leaning closer, my gaze locked on his. “Are you listening?”

He nodded again.

I lifted the sledge axe, butting it up under his chin and pushing his head backward until he arched up on his tip toes. “Roan is mine and I don’t appreciate when people try to take what is mine. So if I find out you didn’t listen to me, I’ll be back for you.” Punctuating the unspoken threat, I slammed the sharp edge of the axe into the counter right next to his hand.

He yelped and jerked in the opposite direction. Steadying himself against the sink, he gaped at me as I yanked the blade free and let it drop to the ground with a heavy thunk.

A dark spot bloomed in the front of his jeans, trickling down the inside of his thigh. The trembling continued, followed by breathing so fast I was sure he was on the verge of hyperventilating.

Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I took a quick picture of him and the resultant pool of yellow under his shoe.

“If Roan hears about any of this, this goes public,” I said flashing the photo at him before returning the phone to my pocket. “And I’ll make sure you never work in Chicago again.”

I’m sure he heard, but he was too panicked to respond.

Looking down at the front of his jeans again, I shook my head, nose wrinkling. I couldn’t imagine being so scared I would piss myself. I didn’t even fucking touch him! I could have easily broken his arm. Maybe chopped off a couple fingers. But, no. I opted forwords, because Roan was always bitching that violence wasn’t the answer. Turned out words weren’t the fucking answer, either.

Flipping the sledge axe up again, I rested it on my shoulder and turned for the door. I left without saying anything else. He’d probably shit himself if I did.

After I swapped the van for my Mercedes, I drove home with a sense of calm settling over me. Now that Samuel had been taken care of, I could focus on other things. Namely Kazimir. But also trying to stay one step ahead of Misha and whatever he was fucking planning.

Roan was home when I got there. Headphones on, he was in the guest room doing something on the computer, sliding buttons around as music notes streamed across the screen.

I didn’t even have to try creeping up on him. He wouldn’t have heard a bomb detonating right behind him, let alone me walking up.

Wrapping my arms around him from behind, I pressed a kiss to the curve of his neck. He jumped in my arms, exhaling a relieved breath as he pulled his headphones off.

“Jesus. You scared me.”

“Sorry.” I brushed my lips across his cheek before pulling away and straightening, not sorry in the slightest.

He spun around in his chair completely, brows furrowed. “You ok?”

I shrugged. “Normal.”

“You have this... look.” He stood as well, hooking his fingers around my belt and jerking my hips against his. “Spill it.”

“Spill what?”

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