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“Oh, I’m sure. At least the police have stopped asking questions.”

“Has there been any movement on that front?”

“All I know is whoever it was, was a goddamn professional. I’ve run into nothing but dead ends. We still don’t know why she was even killed. So keep your head down until I call you.”

“Mhmm.” I hung up and tucked the phone in my pocket.

Now that Kazimir was officially in the States, he’d have to become my main priority. But until Eduard could get me a location, I still had enough time to deal with another problem that was long overdue.

Stepping out of the van, I walked around to the rear doors and grabbed a sledge axe. Spinning it comfortably in my hand, I smiled appreciatively at the tool and slung it over my shoulder, heading toward the back of the house.

Climbing the uneven stairs to the back porch, I glanced around casually, like I had every right to be there. Given the fact it was a regular morning in the average person’s world, most of the surrounding neighbors were at work, along with the occupant of the house.

Seeing no one, I rammed the top of the sledge axe into the middle rail of the door, right next to the knob. The old wood splintered and swung open.

I waited a minute to see if anyone came flying out from the interior. When it was safe to assume I was alone, I stepped into the house, looking around with a wrinkled nose.

Arguably, it was better than some of the shitholes I’d lived in over the years, but there was no way in hell it would ever be good enough for Roan. Not thatthatwould be an issue... It was still the principle of the matter. If you’re stupid enough to poach on another man’s territory, you better be able to provide a better life, otherwise it was just insulting.

Swiping the iPad off the coffee table, I sank onto the couch and flipped the cover open. He didn’t even have it locked. Moron. Eduard had provided plenty of material during the initial background, but I needed to knowexactlywhat I was dealing with.

Tapping open the message icon, I didn’t have to scroll far to get to Roan’s name. He was right there at the top — right under MOM. I hated this guy even more.

It took a while, but eventually I made it to the top of their chat. It started a few months ago, when Roan started working at the Adler. It looked like they’d only swapped numbers for work purposes, since Roan’s first message was merely a peace sign emoji. Then Samuel got his oh-so-important promotion to lighting director and their communications increased, at least on Samuel’s end. Most of the conversations appeared to be initiated by him, but there were a few from Roan about the most random things. Harmless things.

Eventually the “work chat” moved to coffee orders and planning lunches. Gossiping during what appeared to be creative meetings with the other directors. Comments during rehearsals. A slew of memes from Samuel to Roan, making references to theater shit and inside jokes. All innocent, at least on Roan’s part, since there were five messages from Samuel for every one he sent in return.

At one point in the conversation, Samuel must have seen me since he asked who “that dude with all the tattoos” was. Other than Misha, I was the only heavily-tattooed visitor to the theater and Misha’s were mostly hidden beneath expensive suits.

Roan answered with what was to be his first lie.

Roan: One of Feodor’s investors. I think. IDK

Samuel: THAT guy likes theater?

Roan: *shrug emoji*

Samuel: More like money laundering. Gotta hide the drug money somewhere

Roan: You need a cash-heavy business for that

Samuel: ???

Roan: Dude. It’s in every mob movie ever

Why the fuck wouldn’t he tell him who I was? He’s the one who flipped his shit about me being the so-called liar out of the two of us and now here he was, months later, lying through his teeth.

Rankled, I kept scrolling.

It took a couple back and forth messages to figure out that Oleg also drew Samuel’s attention. Roan issued his second lie — claiming Oleg wasmypersonal assistant, for Christ’s sake, and keeping an eye onmyinvestment. At least that was partially true.

But as far as I was concerned, this guy was way too fucking interested in Roan’s life. And too fucking friendly, even for an American.

Samuel: Investor guy’s PA is back

Roan: FML

Samuel: Door’s open if you need to hide up here

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