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He bit his lips, nodding, apparently understanding the underlying message. “Don’t be a dick, Sash.”

I couldn’t help but smile as he disappeared into the darkness behind the stage with Kelly.

Now, time to locate some vodka to make it through the next three hours of my life.

* * *

By the reactionof the audience, I’d say the show was a success. They clapped and cheered and showered the stage with flowers. Feodor looked beyond pleased when he came out for his moment in the spotlight, inclining his head to the audience and curling into a slight bow, his hand on his heart.

When the time came, Roan took a bow of his own before his gaze lifted to the box seat we were supposed to be occupying together. He pressed a kiss to his fingertips and raised his hand toward me, a radiant smile on his face. I couldn’t have been any fucking prouder of him.

I slipped out of the box and made my way down the curved staircase in the front lobby. Swinging by the front office, I knocked on the open door, tipping my chin up at Polina in greeting. I guess hanging around the theater all these weeks had its perks, since I was able to cash in a favor for tonight.

She spun away from her laptop with a smile. Picking up a bouquet wrapped in brown paper, she closed the distance, holding it out to me. “They’re beautiful, Sasha.”

I nodded, taking the bouquet and counting the dark red roses quickly. Twenty-five. Perfect. “See you later.”

“Have a good night.” She shut the door after me and I navigated my way through the crowd of exiting patrons, slowly making my way toward the front of the auditorium.

Roan was on the steps at the side of the stage, talking enthusiastically with someone. When the man turned, I saw it was that fucking lighting director — Samuel. Grinning and nodding at whatever Roan was saying, he lifted one hand, like he was going to touch Roan’s shoulder. At the last second, he shoved it back into his pocket.

I lengthened my strides, crushing the bouquet so hard the thorns pierced through the paper. I’d convinced myself to wait until after the show was over before making my presence known, so nothing would ruin tonight for Roan. Unfortunately for Samuel, his time was up.

Roan’s gaze shifted past Samuel, landing on me. He was fucking glowing, eyes bright and face flushed — he was soRoan. The embodiment of warmth and sunlight and happiness. My heart skipped a beat just looking at him.

“Sasha!” He darted down the stairs, past Samuel, and pushed through the crowd to get to me.

I scooped Roan up into a hug at the same time he threw his arms around my neck, squeezing me tightly. He was a sweaty mess, his bowtie and collar undone and his hair plastered to his forehead, but I didn’t care. I’d take him any way he came. From the glare Samuel shot in my direction, I was sure he felt the same way, which was a problem that would most certainly be addressed at the next available opportunity.

“I did it!” Roan cried, grabbing my face between his hands. “I fucking did it!” Grinning, he pulled my face toward his, kissing me right there, in front of everyone. We were in a theater full of Russians and Sergei had his rules, but Roan needed this, this moment. After everything, he needed to be happy again. And Samuel needed to know he didn’t stand a fucking chance as long as I was alive. So, I risked life and limb to kiss Roan back — publicly.

“I’m so proud of you, Solnyshko,” I said when I pulled away, caressing the side of his face.

He beamed at me before glancing down. “Oh my God. Did you buy me flowers?”

“Of course.” I transferred the bouquet to his arms, inwardly pleased when his smile got that much brighter.

“Roan!” A female voice called out behind us.

The smile vanished and he went rigid, staring past my shoulder. “Mom?”

Fuck me… I turned slowly, Roan’s fingers threading through mine, and scanned the crowd. Sure enough, Laurel was there, holding a program with tears glistening in her eyes. “You were wonderful, honey! I’m so proud of you!”

“Thanks.” He cleared his throat, glancing around the immediate area. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

He scoffed. I squeezed his hand lightly.

“Let me take you to dinner,” she continued with a bright smile, either because she didn’t hear him or because she, too, was an expert at faking politeness. “To celebrate.”

“Sorry, we already have plans,” he said, cutting a look in my direction.

Oh, thank God. The last thing I’m sure either of us wanted was to have his mother ruining what was supposed to be a memorable night. My reservations at a ridiculously overpriced restaurant downtown were for two — not three.

“Oh, ok. Well, maybe another time, if you’re free. You can always text me, whenever.” She turned to go, practically pouting.

He let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping. “Mom, wait.”

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