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Tearing his mouth away from mine, he replaced his tongue with two fingers, pressing my tongue flat on the bottom of my mouth. His thumb rested underneath the point of my chin, giving him complete control over my lower jaw. Using his new handhold, he shoved me to my knees.

I glared up at him, debating whether or not biting him would be worth it. In the end, I opted not to. I didn’t even try to stand again, partly because I didn’t know if my legs would support me at the moment. The other part was curious to see how far he was going to go with this little temper tantrum to prove his point.

“Back where it started,” he said through his teeth, unbuckling his belt and ripping the zipper down. “Except this time, you don’t get to fucking walk away from me.”

“That’s what you think.”

Pushing the black fabric down, he freed his own cock from the torturous restraint, exhaling as he gave it a few lazy strokes right in front of me. “What are you waiting for? You know what to do.”

“I’m not in the mood.” That was a fucking lie, evident by the hard-on he’d literally felt thirty seconds ago.

“Do I look like I give a shit? Open.”

“You wouldn’t fucking dare.” He would. He totally would. I had no idea why I would say something like that, except I still hadn’t learned to keep my goddamn mouth shut when it mattered.

“No?” He ran his fingers through the longer part of my hair and seized a fistful. Just as he pulled my head back, he grabbed my jaw in his other hand. “You have two choices: open your mouth or I’ll open it for you.”

Knowing I had a meeting in the suburbs the next day which would more than likely require me to sing, I didn’t want to chance any damage to my throat. So, I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, waiting to see what his next punishment would be. I expected his tongue again, or his fingers. Even his cock. I didnotexpect him to lower his face closer to mine and spit in my mouth. It was hot. And gross. But then he grabbed the back of my head and yanked me forward and my mouth was on his dick, so grossness seemed irrelevant at that point.

He kept one hand threaded through my hair, controlling the pace and the angle. I could lick and suck and do whatever else I wanted with my mouth, but he decided how much room I had to maneuver and when I was allowed to deep throat him, which wasn’t often.

Strangely, my hands were also off limits. The second I touched his balls, he slapped my hand away.

“I didn’t say that was an option,” he growled.

“Why? Afraid you’re going to come too soon?”

Grabbing me around the throat, he yanked me to my feet with one hand. “Keep talking and see what happens.”

He all but threw me forward, away from him. I’d barely righted myself when he shoved me between the shoulder blades, hard, directing me toward one of the upholstered benches in the middle of the room.

“Am I not doing it for you today, baby? Maybe it’s because I’m so damn rusty,” I tossed over my shoulder. I shouldn’t have goaded him. After the dildo thing, he’d been a little more affectionate, but full-on sex was still off the table for whatever reason. Although, given how pissed he was, that might have been about to change… They always said be careful what you wish for.

The next thing I knew, he spun me roughly. His large hand landed on the side of my face with a surprising sting, gripping my chin. “The fuck?! Rules, Sasha!”

“Shut the fuck up before I break another one of your fucking rules.” Break another one? Jesus, he’d already broken #1 and #2 — hitting and barking orders, respectively. Pretty sure he violated #3 on a daily basis, since he never left the house without at least two guns. So much for establishing boundaries.

Pushing me onto the bench by my jaw, he wasted no time kneeling between my legs. Squeezing the base of my dick hard enough to take my breath away, he sucked the head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around.

It was hard to be mad with his mouth sliding up and down my length. I mean, my brain was fuckingpissed. But my sappy little heart knew deep down this was his way of working through whatever shit was going on inside his own head. Since therapy was absolutely out of the question, this would have to do.

I was on the verge of a well-deserved orgasm when Sasha popped off my cock with a growl. Pounding reverberated in my head. No, it was the door. Someone was banging on it like they were going to knock it down.

“Chicago PD! Open the door!”


Sasha and I exchanged a wide-eyed look. Pitted against a common threat, we tabled our fight for a later time and jumped to our feet, quickly rearranging ourselves to look presentable again.

Since I didn’t hate cops with the fire of a thousand suns, I opened the door with a soft smile and a genuinely confused look. “Sorry, I didn’t realize the door was locked. These old houses sometimes have a mind of their own.”

“Are you alone in here?” the cop asked, glancing behind me.

Sasha slid further out of view, blending in with the wall of black coats.

“Yep. Just me,” I said, stepping out and closing the door behind me. “Is everything ok, officer?”

“Can you please follow me to the ballroom?”

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