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While I waitedthe allotted time, I paced back and forth among the expensive furs and custom overcoats, rehearsing what I was going to say. I was going to be calm and rational, and explain to Sasha he had nothing to worry about with Bennett. Or anyone. Unlike my concerns with Valery... Or that blonde chick... Or God knew who else Sasha interacted with while he was out schmoozing with Misha until three in the morning.

The second Sasha walked into the room, it all went right out the window.

“What is wrong with you?!” I snapped before Sasha even had a chance rip his mask off or lock the door. “You cannot grab people like that. Especially here. These people? They’re dangerous too. Ok? Not your type of dangerous, but dangerous nonetheless because they have money and protection and they won’t think twice about crushing you under their heel.”

“No one should be touching you,” he countered with a growl. “You understand? No one. And this?” He held up the mask before whipping it to the side. “This makes it all the more difficult. I don’t know these people. I can’tseethese people. How am I supposed to keep you safe if we are in a crowd of fake faces?”

“You can’t keep me safe! Don’t you get that?!” I threw my arms out, about two seconds away from screaming out every ounce of my frustration. “I know you want to. I know you feel guilty about what happened even if the words will never leave your mouth. But shit happens.”

“Thatshouldn’t happen!” he shouted back, coming nose-to-nose with me.

“Well, it did! And I thought we were fucking past this! After last week, I thought you’d finally get it through your head!”

“Getwhatthrough my head?”

“I’m not going to fucking break!”

A wince marred his face, unleashing a wave of my own guilt. This was neither the time nor the place to have any sort of conversation related tothat. We needed to, eventually, but definitely not here and not yelling at one another.

“I appreciate the concern,” I said, lowering my voice and making a concerted effort to steer this conversation back into civil territory. “I appreciate the kid gloves and the fact that you’ve never pressured me for anything. But—”

“But?!” The look on his face was lethal. “I can’t believe there’s a fucking ‘but’ after that! What should I have done? Bent you over a table and fucked you senseless at the first goddamn opportunity?”

“Maybe.” I threw my hands up, at my absolute wit’s end with him. “Because then at least I’d know you still fucking want me!”

I didn’t know what sort of reaction I was expecting, but all I got was silence. No shouting. No defense. No counteraccusation. He just stood there, fucking seething. His eyes narrowed like he was plotting how to get rid of my body while his chest rose and fell rapidly.

So much for keeping it civil.

This whole night had been a fucking mistake.

Shaking my head, I headed for the door. Knowing Sasha the way I did, I made sure to give him a wide berth so he couldn’t grab me. Not that I’d get an apology. Ever. But historically speaking, conversations didn’t end untilheallowed them to.

I was actually surprised when I made it to the door without incident.

My fingers were on the lock when he slammed into me from behind, smashing me against the door. My cheekbone ricocheted off the thick wooden panel, pain blooming in my cheek.

“Fuck! Get off of me,” I snapped, trying to shrug him off, as if it would actually work. He pinned me in place with his body, trapping both of my hands against the door underneath his own.

“Or what?” The fact he used my own taunt against me only pissed me off more. This had officially gone from a spat to a fucking fight.

The familiar scents of wintergreen and vodka enveloped me as his breath caressed the back of my neck. I could ignore how good the minty alcohol and his cologne smelled. I could ignore the goosebumps that popped up every time he breathed or brushed his lips over my skin. I could not, however, ignore the hard-on currently shoved against the door — or the one pressed against my ass.

“Nothing to say now? You, who was always pushing?” he challenged, dragging his tongue along my earlobe before nipping it.

I jerked away from him with a wince and turned my face the other way. “I already told you to get the fuck off of me.”

Letting go of one wrist, he wrapped his fingers around my throat and pushed his hips against me even harder, forcing me to arch my back. “You don’t like the way I’m treating you, Solnyshko? You think I’ve been too gentle? Too soft?” He squeezed the arteries in my neck until I thought my head was going to explode from the pressure. “You want me to be the fucking Wolf for you?”

Spinning me suddenly, he shoved my back against the door, coming nose-to-nose with me again, his ice-blue eyes practically burning with all the emotions he refused to give voice to.

“You think I’m afraid you’re going to break?” The dark little laugh that followed was both incredibly sexy and terrifying. I could literally count on one hand the number of times I’d heard him laugh — and one was right before the assholeshotat me. “I’llfucking break you. Is that what you want? Will that finally make you fucking happy?”

Yes. No. I don’t know. I didn’t know what I wanted, nor did I have time to think of a comeback.

In the next instant, his hands ripped open the front of my pants and fisted my cock, jerking me off in rough, angry strokes. His kiss was equally furious. Forcing his tongue into my mouth, his lips crushed mine so hard I was sure they’d be bruised come the morning. The heady mix of wintergreen and vodka flooded my senses, stealing what breath I could manage to pull in before he took it away again.

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