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My cheeks burned and I squeezed my eyes shut, screaming at myself silently to get a fucking grip.

“You’re safe,” he whispered against my hair. “Just breathe, baby.”

I nodded, sniffing back the next round of embarrassment and trying to actually inhale without choking myself. What in the ever loving fuck was my problem?! This is what I wanted. Sort of. I wanted Sasha. And my so-called experiment was a success. So why the fuck was I crying like a goddamn idiot?

Sasha pulled back slightly to look at me, his brows drawn together. He swept his thumb under my eye, brushing away the tears. “Let’s go shower,” is what came out of his mouth but the look in his eyes said something else. Maybe he didn’t think I was a mistake after all. Even though I’d been irrevocably damaged, I was still worth something to him. Maybe itwaslove, like Dr. Adani said.



“What are we doing?”Roan asked, reaching for the tie I used to blindfold him. “Where are we? Is this the garage?”

“I have a surprise for you,” I said, slapping his hand away. “Don’t touch!”

“If we’re in the garage, this better not be what I think it is.”

“What do you think it is?”

“You bought me a car.”

“I didnotbuy you a car.” I smiled smugly to myself, grabbing him by both biceps and pulling him to a halt when he was in the perfect spot.

His father’s dark blue Porsche sat before us, complete with new plates and a new VIN, courtesy of Anton’s cousin’s shop. Reaching under the wheel well, I grabbed the key from the magnetic holder Eduard stuck it on and stepped back to Roan’s side.

“Ok, now you can look,” I said, folding my arms over my chest.

He tugged the tie off and blinked a couple times. Once he registered what we were standing in front of, his brilliant blue eyes quadrupled in size. “Sasha!”

“All yours,” I said with a smile, holding the key out to him.

“You stole my dad’s car?!”

“You need a car and since I couldn’tbuyyou one... what was I supposed to do?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “This seemed like the obvious solution.”

“That issonot the point!” The color drained from his face and he swallowed thickly. “Does he know you it was you? You know he’ll call the cops. It’s probably already in the system as stolen.”

“I took care of it.” I caught his face between my hands and leaned down, brushing my nose against his, hoping to quell the panic before it reached its peak.

“But, I—”

“No ‘buts’!” I feigned a scowl.

The glare he gave me in return was quite real. “You’re not funny.”

“No?” I slid my hands around his waist and pulled him closer, until he was flush with my chest. Pressing kisses to the side of his neck and up the side of his jaw, I tried to soak in as much of him as I could — the summery scent of his cologne, his body heat, his overall closeness. He’d been distant for so long, it was like experiencing him for the first time and I couldn’t get enough.

His frown cracked, lifting one side of his mouth into a smirk. “I can’t believe you stole my dad’s car.”

“Why? It’s not like it’s hard. Do you want me to show you?” He shot me a surprised look, followed by an exasperated one. “What’s with the look? I wasn’t always a killer, you know. Stealing is how I got my start.”


I nodded, kissing his neck again and grazing my teeth along his skin. Enjoying this rare moment of happiness was far more important than arguing about the morality of stealing a car from a man who’d done far worse.

“So, how did you, um, switch? To what you do now?”

“What do you mean how? I just started killing people.”

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