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“It’s her father, Kazimir.”

He cocked his head, his blond brows furrowing, trying to slot the fucked-up pieces together. “Isn’t that the guy you worked for? When you were a kid?”

I nodded. “One in the same.”

“Why would he sent a hit squad to the Adler?”

“That part we’re not sure about. Either because you were there. Or Ilya. Or Feodor. Kazimir has a reason to hate the three of us — Misha, Sergei, and I — and as you said, you are my weakness.”

“But how would he know that? About us, I mean?”

“Because of what I did... to Yuri.” I dropped my gaze to his hands. “Kazimir is his father. Daria was his sister.”

“Oh shit...”

My attention snapped up to him, eyes narrowing. “He’s not going to hurt you, Roan. Now that we know he’s here, Misha and I will not sleep until he’s fucking dead.”

“What about Ilya?”

“He’ll be fine. He’s in surgery now. Misha has men with him. No one is getting close to him.”

Roan nodded, chewing on his lower lip. He slipped behind me again and resumed stitching in silence.

* * *

As soon asIlya was stable, Misha called, demanding a meeting.

I kissed Roan goodbye and drove to Delirium, keeping my eyes peeled for any sign of Kazimir or another ambush along the way.

When I reached the club without incident, I headed upstairs to the private room where the rest of Misha’s men were gathered.

“You work every contact you have,” Misha shouted, glaring at each man in turn. He was still in the same suit as earlier, his nephew’s blood staining the front of his shirt and where he’d rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. Even his perfect blond hair was disheveled, strands falling across his forehead. “Whoever brings me his head will be given whatever they want as a reward. Money, property, I don’t give a fuck. I want him dead! And I want him dead now! Himandanyone who fucking helped him!”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I leaned against the wall, watching Misha bark out orders like a general. I’d never seen him so angry before. Then again, I’d never seen anyone he cared about nearly die. I could empathize with that.

Empathize? Jesus Christ. Roan was rubbing off on me…

“Now get out!” Misha yelled, flinging his hands toward the door. “Everyone! Go find them! Except you, Sasha. Stay.”

After everyone filtered out, he gestured for me to come closer but then turned and paced in the opposite direction, covering his mouth with one hand.

“How’s Ilya?” I asked, watching him prowl around with a growing sense of uneasiness.

He nodded, swallowing hard as he turned to face me. “He’ll make it.”

I nodded as well, waiting for the next bomb to drop.

“How’s Roan?”

Shrugging, I hooked my thumbs in my pockets. It wasn’t a strange question, given what they’d gone through, but it felt like idle chit chat when there were more important things we could be doing. “Normal. I guess.”

“Good. Good.” He walked away from me again, his hands on his hips while he expelled a calming breath. “There’s something you need to know.”

I didn’t like the way he said that. Or the fact he put distance between us in order to tell me.

“Sasha...” Misha turned, facing me with a wary expression. “It’s about Daria.”

“What about her?” I knew it. I fucking knew it. It always came back to that bitch.

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