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Much to my annoyance, Yuri wasn’t in any of his usual haunts. So, it was time to work my way down the chain of command, which meant my next stop was Gregor.

I pounded on front door repeatedly until Karine opened up, her eyes wide. “Sasha, wh—”

Shoving past her, I dropped my duffel bag by the door and tore through the house, shouting for her husband.

“What the fuck — Sasha? What are you doing here?” Gregor asked, storming out of the back bedroom.

“Where’s Yuri?”


“Because I want to fucking know, that’s why.”

“I don’t know.” I might have believed him if his gaze didn’t flick to his wife.

Unholstering the gun from the small of my back, I walked to Karine and threw my arm around her neck before she could scamper off.

“Sasha, no!” Gregor took a step forward. I jammed the gun into his wife’s temple and he stopped walking, holding his hands up in surrender.

“Where is he?” I repeated.

“Let her go, ok? She didn’t do anything,” Gregor said, licking his lips.

I’d sooner shoot myself than let my leverage go, and he knew that. Did he really think he couldreasonwith me? “Were you there?”

Gregor’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Were you with him today?” If I had to repeat every question, this was going to take for-fucking-ever and I didn’t have that kind of time.

“Just let her go and we can talk.” He gestured to the kitchen table, looking hopeful.

I motioned to the chair with the gun, keeping my arm wrapped securely around Karine’s throat. She was so small, I could drag her with one arm easily, her toes skimming the carpet as I moved.

“Where are you taking her?” Gregor asked, half-rising from the chair he just sat in.

“Sit the fuck down,” I snapped, smashing the barrel of the gun right under Karine’s jaw. She gasped, digging her nails into my forearm.

He did as he was told while I backed up to the door. “Get the bag,” I said to the trembling woman in front of me, releasing her throat.

She nodded, whimpering, and grabbed the bag. When she offered it to me, I tossed my head to her husband. “Over there. Tape him to the chair.”

“Sasha, com—” Gregor stopped protesting when I snatched a handful of Karine’s hair and ripped her head back. She shrieked and crashed against me.

“Tape him,” I repeated next to her ear. “And make it fucking tight.”

“How could you do this?” Gregor asked as Karine wrapped the duct tape around his wrists and ankles.

“To you, or in general?” I snatched Karine’s arm and shoved her into the chair across from Gregor. “Generally speaking, you know me, Gregor. You know this is what I do. As for how I can do it toyou?” I smiled, stroking Karine’s cheek with my knuckles. She sniffled, shaking like a leaf. I made sure Gregor was watching when I slapped her as hard as I could, so hard the sting reverberated through my hand.

He swore at me and jerked in his chair.

She screamed and clamped a hand on her face, the tears flowing in earnest now.

“Oh, Karine, baby. I’m sorry. Come here.” I touched her chin, tilting her face toward me. My handprint was as clear as day, red and angry, her tears glistening on the mark. “I don’t have to hit you anymore. I promise. Just tell me what I want to know.”

She looked at her husband, helpless and confused. The poor woman didn’t know anything, but that didn’t matter. “Gregor?”

I followed her gaze, waiting.

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