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I took it without looking at it, my attention shifting back to the medic. “Did — did he say anything?”

The paramedic shook his head. “Sorry, man. He was out the entire time.”

Nodding, I drifted away from them, reeling from the little information they had. I wasn’t the least bit surprised no one talked to the cops; they knew they’d be next. As soon as I was out of here, I’d knock on every fucking door in a two-block radius andmakethem talk to me. Someone saw something and whoever did this was going to fucking pay. I didn’t carewhothey worked for, Misha, Sergei, or the fucking president.

Misery and anger and thoughts of revenge kept me company until an annoyingly familiar voice broke the quiet unease of the ER waiting room.

“Sinclair!” a girl shouted. “S-I-N-C-L-A-I-R! You people calledme, remember? So where is he?!”

I looked over to see Francesca staring the nurse down, slapping her hands on the counter. The guy from Roan’s house was there too. Standing side-by-side, I could now see the resemblance between the two. Her brother saw me and nudged her, nodding in my direction.

Francesca’s head whipped toward me, her brown eyes widening and narrowing all in a split second. Forgetting the nurse, she stormed over to me, looking capable of murder despite her small size.

I rose to my feet to meet her. As soon as she was close enough, she wound back and punched me in the stomach, right where that asshole drop kicked me yesterday. Luckily, she gave me enough time to flex my abs, so all she got was a fleeting grimace.

“What did you do to him, asshole?!” She hit me again, her eyes brimming with tears. “I know it was you, you fucking psycho! Hurting him once wasn’t enough? You had to put him in the fucking hospital?”

Her brother rushed up behind her and grabbed her from behind, dragging her away. “Frankie, don’t!”

She wasn’t listening. “You better fucking leave, right now, before I call the cops and tell them everything!”

I cocked my head, brows furrowed. What the fuck was she talking about? She thoughtIdid this? Was she insane?

Frederick tightened his grip around her, shooting a cautious glance in my direction. “It’s not worth it. Ok? Fuck this guy. We’re here for Roan.”

“I don’t care who you are,” Francesca snapped at me, ignoring her brother’s attempt to calm her down. “If he dies, I’ll fucking kill you. Do you hear me, Sasha? Yeah! I know your name and I know what you did to him, you sick fuck! I know you fucking kidnapped him, manipulated him! And now this?Thisisyourfault! Even if he survives, you’ve fucking ruined his life!”

“You’re right,” I said quietly. It was all I said before I turned and walked in the opposite direction, forcing myself to take slow, even breaths before I exploded.

Everything she said was true. Even if I didn’t physically hurt him this time, it was because of me that Roan was here. Ididruin his life, because I was selfish and weak. He was the one good thing in my life, for however brief a time, and I destroyed it.



Disappointmentwasthe first thing I felt when I opened my eyes.

Overwhelming disappointment.

I didn’t want to be alive.

I didn’t want to be in the hospital.

I wanted to be fucking dead. Dead people didn’t have to deal with questions — fucking humiliation after humiliation.

The doctors asked questions.

The nurses asked questions.

The police asked questions.

Everyone asked questions and everyone got the same answer — silence.

I talked too much.

I asked too many questions. Sasha was always barking at me to stop talking. For once in my life, I fucking listened. I didn’t listen to him before — I didn’t stay put when he told me to stay. Now? It was too late. I learned my lesson. But at least I could save myself further shame and humiliation by keeping my fucking mouth shut.

“Are you feeling up to visitors?” a nurse asked, soft and mom-like.

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