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“How would I know that?” I cocked my head.

He shrugged. “He heard you and Sergei had a meeting… Have you talked to Viktor lately?”

“I’ve been busy.” The fact Viktor heard I had a one-on-one with Sergei wasn’t good, but I had bigger issues to worry about than his precious ego. The meeting sure as shit wasn’tmyidea; I’d been ambushed by Sergei as much as I’d been ambushed by Roan. Besides, when the boss asks for a sit down, you don’t say “No.” I still had no idea why Sergei wanted to see me that day, seeing as we didn’t talk about anything important, so Viktor could fuck right off if he thought I was anything but loyal.

“With the street fight?”

“Among other things.”

“Aren’t you curious?”


“Who was killed.” Shit… Before I could come up with a reasonable reply, Misha took a step closer. “Some friendly advice?” He gave me a chilling smile, his voice lowering. “Be careful, Sasha. I’m a wolf too and I smell betrayal in the air.”

“Man is wolf to man,” I quoted with a tight smile.

“Indeed.” He shook my hand politely and stepped past me. “Enjoy your evening.”

As soon as Misha was gone, I darted across to the bathroom and stepped inside. I pressed a finger to Roan’s lips before he could speak and turned on the faucet.

“We have to be careful,” I whispered.

“What did Misha want?” Roan asked, matching my volume.

“I’m not exactly sure. I need to find Viktor and get to the bottom of this.” I took a step toward the door, but Roan snagged my belt loops and tugged me back.

“Tomorrow?” he asked, both brows lifting.

I considered him for a moment before nodding. “Tomorrow.”

A soft smile spread across his face. He peeled his shirt off and turned on the shower, biting his lower lip. “Now, about that shower…”



Somehow we madeit through a shower without tearing each other to pieces. I got the blood scrubbed off of Sasha, but that was as much nursing as he’d allow on his arm. It seemed to be the only open wound, aside from the cut inside his mouth. I only knew about that one because he kissed me much more gently than before.

Or it could have been his concern that Misha may have planted a bug. Given what was on that jump drive, it was an entirely justifiable fear. So, either water was constantly running or he had music playing, anything to distort the sound of people listening — or at least that’s what he said.

Needless to say I was a bit surprised when he led me into the bedroom and started kissing me again. Unwrapping the towel from my waist, he tossed it to the side, but instead of pouncing, he stood there with his head cocked. His gaze moved over me at a languid pace, so intense I was sure he was actually touching me.

“What are you looking at?” I asked quietly, brows furrowed. It was the hotel room all over again, except he was the one who appeared mesmerized. Why, I had no idea. He was a work of art — I was a blank, boring canvas.

My question propelled him forward, his warm hands spreading up along both sides of my ribcage. “You.” Pressing his lips to mine, he guided me backward until I hit the bed.

I scooted back to make room for him, slipping a hand beneath the pillow I was laying on to make sure I wasn’t in danger of accidentally discharging anything. Although it wouldn’t have been the worst way in the world to die, given what we were about to do.

Sasha’s whole body covered mine as he left trails of kisses down my shoulder, across my chest, up my neck. His skin was practically scorching, rivaling the warmth that bloomed inside of me wherever he touched me.

It was surreal. No, it wasreal. Somehow, I was more connected to him in that moment than in any that preceded it. He was tender — an adjective I would have never thought possible the first time I saw him. Hell, I wouldn’t have thought a lot of things were possible back then. It might have only been weeks, but I’d glimpsed so many sides of Sasha, it felt like we’d known each other longer.

He continued to surprise me — like when I got on my knees for him while he was putting on a condom. Shaking his head, he tipped his chin toward the pillow. “Lay down.”

Doing as I was told, I resumed my position and watched him crawl on top of me again, nudging my thighs open wider with his.

“I want to see you,” he said, brushing a kiss to my lips before leaning back.

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