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A knock sounded on the door approximately two seconds before it swung open.

I shoved Roan as far away from me as possible, as roughly as possible. “You’re fucking insane! Now get out of here with your lies before I rip out your fucking tongue!”

Roan stumbled but regained his footing. There was a flash of hurt in his eyes, but it was gone just as quick, replaced by a scathing glare. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his hands clenched at his sides.

Misha stopped in the doorway, his head cocked. “Everything ok?”

“Stupid American brat,” I snarled, trying to look disgusted. It wasn’t that hard. Iwasdisgusted — at myself, my weakness and stupidity. “Thinks he come in here and make demands from someone like me. He’s lucky this is Sergei’s club, or I’d beat his ass.”

Misha’s gaze slid to Roan, lingering on his wrinkled t-shirt. “Is your business concluded?”

Roan swallowed thickly and nodded. “Yeah. I’d say so.”

“Good.” Misha took another step into the room and gestured for Roan to walk through the door.

“Thanks for helping me,” he said to Misha on his way by, pausing to shake the man’s hand. “I really appreciate it.”

Misha inclined his head.

“Oh and another thing,” Roan said, slicing a glare at me over his shoulder. “You owe me a new phone.” I snorted and rolled my eyes, but at least the demand helped sell my complaint. “You can drop it off at my hotel. I’m staying at the Drake.” And then he was gone, leaving the door open behind him.

Misha watched him until he disappeared from view before strolling forward, steepling his fingers together. “Interesting boy.”

“Pain in the ass boy.”

“Usually one in the same.” Misha’s eyes narrowed on my face as he leaned closer. Before I knew what he was doing, he lifted his hand and dragged his thumb beneath my bottom lip.

My lungs ceased to function at the touch. My heart stopped when he pulled his thumb away and glanced at it before rubbing it against his other fingers.

“Sorry, thought I saw something,” he said, giving me a polite smile. “Sergei would like a word with you before you go.”

“Is Viktor here?” I asked, trying to sound completely normal after thinking I was seconds away from death. No, not true. I thought I was seconds away from a world of pain andthendeath. The fate that awaited all of the corrupted creatures like me.

Misha’s smile remained. “No. This is between you and Sergei.”

Fuck me.



“You are a fucking moron!You know that?” Frankie screeched at me through the laptop. I cringed, but didn’t try to interrupt. “I can’t believe you went looking for that guy! Why in God’s name do you think that was a good idea?”

“Because he’s the same one from the bank robbery.”

“What?!” Her face zoomed in on the video screen, her brown eyes boring a hole through the technology. “The bank robbers are the ones who kidnapped you?! You need to go to the police! Right now!”

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’snotfine! These are dangerous people, Roan! Do you hear me? Dangerous! Did you forget they shot one of their own people during the getaway? You need to get out of there. Right now.”

There was a knock at the door that made both of us look to the side sharply.

“What was that?” she asked, but I was already on my way to open it, running my palms down the sides of my legs.

Glancing through the peep hole, I was somewhat relieved it was Sasha and not a Russian hit squad. Unless hewasthe hit squad. I still wasn’t quite sure, despite my bold declaration earlier that he wouldn’t kill me.

As soon as the door opened a crack, he threw his shoulder into it and barged in.

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