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I stayed exactly where I was. If he wanted to use someone as a punching bag, I’d rather it be me than a girl who was half my size. It was stupid as hell, but it was the only thing I could do to help her.

He unlocked the cage and walked inside, producing the same knife as before and flicking it open. “Since you can’t shut your fucking mouth, maybe I should put it to good use, hmm? I’ll fuck it so hard you’ll be gagging for a week.”

“You think pretty highly of yourself.” I glanced at the front of his pants pointedly.

“Come here and I’ll fucking show you.”

I held my ground, but with each step he took, I seriously regretted my decision to fuck with this guy. Did he know I was gay or was that a standard threat he used on all of his captives? I really didn’t want to find out. The good thing, if you could call it that, was the fact he was leaving the girls alone. For now, anyway.

He grabbed my chin and slammed me against the back wall of chainlink, angling the knife at my cheek. “Get on your knees, boy.”

“Fuck you,” I seethed.

His knuckles cracked across my cheekbone, whipping my head to the side. I was still seeing stars when he grabbed the front of my shirt and swept my legs out from underneath me, slamming me onto the concrete floor. He dropped his knee into the center of my abdomen, pinning me like an insect. A crazed smile twisted his face as he grabbed my jaw. “Let’s see if you’re still pretty by the time I’m done with you.”

He swiped forward with the blade, aiming for my face.

Instinctively, I threw my left hand up to block the knife while I turned my face away. The blade bit into my palm, slicing through the skin like it was fucking paper. I swore loudly, but the voice roaring through the dark space wasn’t mine.

Mr. Black appeared in a flash. He stormed through the door and drove the barrel of his gun into the Dickhead’s forehead. My kidnapper/savior snarled something in what I was almost one-hundred percent certain was Russian. I didn’t have a clue what he said, but the way he said it gave me goosebumps.

My kidnapper/abuser, on the other hand, stood slowly, though he looked less than pleased to be doing it. The blond threw back a reply and spit. Again. Except this time it was directlyonme. Fucker.

Mr. Black pulled the gun away and pointed to the guy’s left hand with it. When the Dickhead didn’t immediately do whatever it was he wanted, Mr. Black snarled the command again. The urge to crawl over to Mr. Black’s side of the cage hit me hard. I wanted to put as much distance between me and the other asshole as possible, but for once I played it safe and stayed exactly where I was before one or both of them turned on me.

The blond guy said something and lifted his left hand, flipping off his partner.

I blinked and the gun went off.

Something hot and wet splattered onto my face. I scrambled away from the sensation until I was trapped in the corner of the kennel, the blast ringing in my ears, along with the girls’ shrieks.

The Dickhead screamed, cradling his bloody left hand to his torso.

Tucking his gun in his waistband, Mr. Black seized the back of the guy’s head and threw him out of the cage.

As soon as they were in the open, it turned into an all-out beat down. Mr. Black and the Adidas guy both pounced on the blond, pummeling him with fists and elbows until he collapsed at their feet. Even then, the beating continued until the Dickhead stopped trying to fight back. Blood oozed from various places on his face, but his chest was still moving. I didn’t know whether to be disappointed or not.

Once they were done, Mr. Black leaned over and seized a handful of the asshole’s shirt, hauling his limp body up so he could growl something directly in his face. He punched him one last time and let go, standing triumphantly over the unconscious man, his fists bloody and chest heaving.

Adidas said something and Mr. Black looked up, following his gaze to the cages. I flinched when Mr. Black’s eyes met mine. Even from a distance I could see the rage in them.

Fuck, was I next? I’d started it. Adidas saw that. Was it my turn to get my ass handed to me by these two?

The thought barely formed before they both left without another word.

I turned my attention to my bloody hand, staring at the dark red pooling in my palm.

What the fuck just happened?!



I was shakingI was so fucking angry. Goddamn Yuri and his goddamn ego. Now the kid was hurt, which meant if his father ever pulled his head out of his ass and agreed to the deal, he was more likely to renege when he saw what condition his son was in. Not to mention the girls Yuri roughed up during transport would need extra time to heal. If he wasn’t born into Viktor’s family, there’s no way any other boss would have kept his ass alive. I know I wouldn’t.

My fist flew out and connected squarely with the mirror in front of me. The glass splintered and cracked, reflecting my pissed off expression in a dozen facets.

Fucking Yuri!

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