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If he thought taunting me would make me kill him faster, he was sorely mistaken. Roan wanted it to hurt — I was going to make it fucking hurt. Lowering the hose, I pointed the steam at his pathetic cock.

Yuri screamed and writhed like a worm on a hook until I turned the hose away from him.

“Does Viktor know?” I repeated calmly.

Moaning, his head flopped forward. His dick was red and blistered. It wouldn’t be able to withstand much more. If I turned the lever up high enough, I’d be able to cut right through the fucking thing, but we weren’t to that stage quite yet.

Yanking Yuri’s head back and holding up the hose, I got in his face. “Your shriveled dick is the least of your concerns. I will fucking melt every centimeter of you if you don’t start talking. Does Viktor know?”

“Yes,” Yuri choked out.

“Did he knowbefore?”

Yuri’s eyes drifted shut. I let go of his hair and took a step back, returning the deadly white cloud to his genitals. His eyes popped open again, twisting in front of me as shrieks tore out of him.

Lowering the steam, I grabbed Yuri’s face and held it steady, nose-to-nose with him again. “Did he know?”

“Yes.” Motherfucker… Viktor, you lying, back-stabbing piece of shit…

“Whose idea was it?”

Yuri whimpered, his head slumping against my hand.

“Who?” I squeezed his face harder.


Nodding, I stepped back, absorbing the information. How long had Viktor known I was lying about Roan? It didn’t matter. He knew, and he let his vulgar nephew round up a crew to destroy the one thing that mattered to me — the one thing that was outside of his control. The meeting was the perfect opportunity to go after Roan and I fucking gave it to him.

“Remember what I told you on the phone the other day?” I asked, returning to the steam valve and pushing the lever into the OFF position. Dropping the hose and peeling off my gloves, I unsheathed the filet knife again and strolled back to Yuri. “That I was going to rip your fucking face off?”

Yuri’s lower lip trembled, but for once he didn’t have a comeback.

I didn’t give him time to fathom the pain he was about to endure before I sliced into his face. His screaming was practically deafening, but I didn’t care. I kept cutting around the perimeter of his face, jabbing underneath the skin to sever the membranes and tissues. When I had enough loose skin to actually grab, I did, ripping the skin away from the flesh beneath with one hand while the blade slid along the inside, cutting as it went.

Yuri’s whole body was shaking by the time I was done, blood pouring from his massacred face.

Holding up the mask of skin for him to see, I arched a brow at him. “You should have fucking known better than to cross me, Yuri.”

Flinging the skin onto the pile of Ivan’s body parts, I strode back to the steam valve. Pulling the gloves over my bloody hands, I pushed the lever open the entire way and grabbed the hose.

Circling around behind him, I clamped a hand on his shoulder, speaking into his ear. “And you should have known better than to fuck with what’s mine.”

“Sasha…” The plea for mercy was evident in his voice, but all it did was fuel my fury.

Kicking his legs apart, I wasted no time ramming the hose up his ass, steam and all. His screams were inhuman and it was fucking music to my ears.

I left him like that, letting the steam liquifying his internal organs, and headed back upstairs.

Lada was sitting on the bar top, smoking a cigarette. She raised a brow, flicking ash off the end. “Is he dead?”

Faintly, I could still hear his unearthly screaming, muffled beneath the floorboards and the music playing. “Soon.”

“Good.” She held the cigarette out to me.

I gladly took it from her, my hand stained with her boyfriend’s blood. “Thank you.”

“Thankyou,” she said with a smile. “I knew you’d keep your word.”

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