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“Galigher!” Shifting to the edge of my chair, I dropped the paper on the table between us and grabbed his wrist. “Edna Galigher. Did we, or did we not, acquire that property last year at a sheriff’s sale?”

Furrowing his brows, his gaze fell to the paper. A moment later, his eyes flicked up again, once he’d cycled through his incredible memory. “Galigher. A three-hundred acre farm outside of Blue Springs, went to auction after the old woman died because her sons neglected to pay the property taxes. It was an absolute steal.”

Leaning forward, I cupped the back of his head and pulled him closer, pressing my lips to his. I stood quickly, kissing his forehead as well before darting toward the stairs.

“Where are you going?” he asked, spinning in his chair.

“To pay my respects.”

* * *

It wasn’thard to find the Galigher’s only living brother, Jesse. In such a small town, even a blind man would have found his address easily enough. With the family name painted on the mailbox, he may as well have rolled out a welcome mat.

For this venture, only Elijah and Cole were with me. They flanked the front door, in the shadows, while I stood in the center. I cocked my head, taking in the wall behind Elijah. It was decorated with antique farm implements, a perfect complement to the rusted-out tire leaning against the porch and the broken-down tractor, half-sunk into the side yard, overgrown with weeds and flowers alike.

Chewing the inside corner of my mouth, I considered my options. The scythe was the obvious choice. Or the saw. At the last second, I opted for the T-shaped stake.

“What the fuck is that?” Cole whispered.

“A dibber,” I replied, wrapping my fingers around the handle and getting a feel for the weight. “You use it to plant seeds. Or, you used to, anyway.”

Elijah chuckled and shook his head. “Only you would know that shit.”

“And Jake.” I smirked at him as I raised the dibber to the front door, knocking loudly with it.

When the shuffling inside got closer, a male barked out, “Yeah, I’m coming,” as the locks turned. As soon as the door swung open, Cole threw his elbow out, slamming right into the center of Jesse’s face.

The man stumbled back into the house and Cole rushed after him.

“Who the fuck are you?” he asked, scrambling backward and holding his gushing nose with his one good hand. The other was trapped in a sling, courtesy of Bennett snapping his elbow.

I declined to answer while Elijah secured the front door. Cole was able to dart around behind the man and grab him in a headlock, wrestling him down to his knees.

“Look, I’m sorry! You can have the money back! I don’t want no trouble!”

“Oh, I’m not here for your money.” I leaned down and stuck the point of the dibber underneath his chin, forcing his head up. “But tell me, Jesse, who do you not want trouble from?”

“Who are you?” he asked again, his eyes wide and watering from the blow.

I gave him a polite smile. “I’m the husband of the man you just kidnapped.”

If it was possible, his eyes widened even more. “Look, mister. I’m sorry, ok. It was a mistake.”

“A mistake which I am here to address.” Straightening, I cracked my neck and nodded at Cole.

Cole pulled the stun gun from his waistband and drove it into the man’s back. Jesse yelped and fell forward, writhing in place until the electricity stopped.

I nodded again and again Cole pulled the trigger, eliciting another howl.

“Put him over there,” I said, gesturing to the kitchen table.

Elijah and Cole scooped him up and dragged him over to the chair. They secured him in place with zip ties, making sure each limb was held in place individually. He could struggle all he wanted to. Without enough force, friction, or a blade there was no way he would be able to free himself.

Dragging one of the other chairs over, I sat across from him, tapping the dibber against my knee. “I’ll cut to the chase, Jesse. Who hired you?”

“I don’t kno—”

Before the lie even finished forming, I stabbed the dibber straight down into his thigh.

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