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“Welcome home, honey.”

She screamed and nearly jumped out of her skin, whirling toward me with wide eyes. Stumbling on her heels, she backed away from me slowly. “What thefuckare you doing here?”

“Waiting for you, of course. I must admit, I didn’t think we’d ever have this opportunity again. Guess you’re hardier than I gave you credit for.”

She swallowed, sliding back another step. Her eyes darted to her bag.

“Don’t even think about it,” I said, rising from the chair.

I don’t know why I expected her to listen.

In the blink of an eye, she bolted, but not toward her bag. She turned the opposite way, sprinting down the hallway off of the living room.

I sprang after her, grateful I’d had the foresight to memorize the layout of the place ahead of time.

In no time, I caught up to her inside her bedroom door. Grabbing ahold of her mandible from behind, I squeezed the bone until she cried out and stopped moving. I spun her toward me slowly, lifting at the same time so she was on the tips of her toes. She grabbed my wrist with two hands, but all it did was make me squeeze harder.

“Before we get down to it, perhaps you can elucidate something for me. What did he find so alluring about you?” I wondered out loud, assessing her with a lifted brow.

Naturally, she didn’t supply an answer.

“What did you find so alluring about him?” Walking her backwards, I smiled when her eyes widened and tried to dart behind her, to see what was coming next.

I shoved her onto the bed and climbed on top of her before she could regain her bearings. Settling most of my weight on her hips, I reached across her and snatched her far wrist. Pinning both of them above her head with one hand, I leaned into the soft flesh of her closer tricep with my elbow, rotating the helpless muscle away from the bone.

She screamed and thrashed beneath me, but it was futile. I had her exactly where I wanted her. The more she fought, the more pain I created. This wasn’t going to be fast, like last time. I’d spend hours if that’s what it took.

“Was it the darkness?” I continued, searching her terrified gaze. “The depravity? Did itexciteyou?”

“I’d never expect someone like you to understand,” she said through clenched teeth. An extra dose of anger darted across her face, like she was mad at herself for breaking some oath of silence.

“Understand what? Love? Or a blatant lack of ethics?”

“You’ll never get away with it,” she declared defiantly, not so subtly changing topics. If she thought she was going to reason with me or negotiate for something, she was mistaken.

“Get away with what, exactly?” I dipped my face close to hers. She turned away, squeezing her eyes shut. Grabbing her jaw again, I forced her face toward me. “What do you think I’m here to do to you? Stab you again? Poison you? Tie you up and fuck you?”

She remained silent, even though her eyelashes fluttered as tears started to build.

Letting go of her face, I skimmed my hand down her body before it darted behind my back, retrieving the gun from my waistband. I withdrew it slowly, cocking the hammer at the same time. “Was this what you were after? Were you actually going to shoot me or was it all for show?”

Her eyes flew open, her breathing quickening. As the gun came closer and closer to her, her wide gaze darted between my face and the barrel.

“Tell me…” I caressed her cheek with the tip of the barrel. “What sort of evil do think I’m capable of?”

Her pretty lips twisted into a scowl, despite the tears slipping out of the corner of her eyes. “If you’re anything like yourhusband,” she spat the word, her nose wrinkling, “then words can’t even begin to describe it.”

I considered her assessment, dragging the barrel down her neck, over her exposed sternum, and nestling it above her heart. “Unfortunately for you,he’sthe calm one. I, on the other hand, am a little more... shall we say, unpredictable?”

She inhaled a sharp breath.

Cocking my head to the side, I shifted the gun again, sliding it between her breasts and around to the side, grinding it into her ribcage on the other side of her heart. She yelped, trying to squirm away, but there was nowhere to go.

“Imagine how angry he would be to read your little article.” I gave her a dark smile when her eyes widened, finally comprehending the real reason for my visit. “Now triple that anger. It’s not even close to the amount of vile atrocities I’d happily inflict upon you.”

Despite the tremors rippling through her, she did her best to put on a brave face. “What do you want from me?”

“I want you to retract your article. Immediately.”

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