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“Mon coeur. You’re home earlier than I anticipated.”

“Clearly!” Frankly, I didn’t know who I was more furious with — him, or myself. That was the problem when you opened up to someone, when you confessed your deepest fears and darkest hatreds. When they were so inclined, they had the power to ruin you with the very things that blackened your soul, the things they said they’d protect you from.

Lorelei faced me with wide eyes, covering herself with the sheet as if I didn’t just see everything two seconds before.

“I can’t believe you.” I was at a loss for anything else. For once, I didn’t know what to say. What to do. All I could do was stand there, marinating in the pain and humiliation of the ultimate betrayal. Theonething he knew I hated above everything else, just as he detested liars.

“Don’t be angry,” he said, somewhere between a pout and a purr. He slipped off the bed and walked forward slowly, his hair shifting over his eye as he canted his head, the picture of innocence.

I scoffed and shook my head, biting the inside of my cheek. “You’re fucking incredible, you know that?” As soon as he was within arm’s reach, I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the closest wall as hard as I could. “Anger doesn’t even come close to what I’m feeling right now.”

He didn’t look worried in the slightest, even when my fingertips pressed harder against each artery. Rubbing my dick in slow strokes through my pants, his pale eyes locked on mine, that little smirk playing on his lips.

“Don’t,” I growled, swatting his hand away. It returned immediately, except this time he slipped it down the front of my pants and caressed me directly.

“I can’t help myself.” Even though my hand was still around his throat, I seemed to have lost the power to fucking strangle him. He leaned forward without much effort, brushing his lips along my jaw. “I need you both, Bennett. Can’t you see that?”

“I don’t share, Leander. I told you that.” I tried to hang on to my anger, but my dick had other ideas. Traitor.

He pressed kisses to my throat while his free hand threaded through my hair. “One time. Just give me this one time. That’s all I’m asking.”

“Oh that’s all?” Shaking my head again, I tried to push away from him, but he held on this time. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face closer until his mouth covered mine. Forcing his tongue past my lips, he greedily took what he wanted while he continued stroking my length.

I hated him so much in that moment, for manipulating me like the blonde bitch on the bed. More than that, I hated myself for allowing it. I was blinded when it came to him. I’d give him whatever he wanted and he damn well knew it.

After a moment, the hand in my hair disappeared and I heard a snap. There was a rustling of satin and quiet footsteps. Then she was there, like an obedient little dog. Leander pulled his mouth from mine and gave it to her, even as his hand gripped my cock in long, slow strokes.

I bit the curve of his shoulder, marking him as mine with the jolt of pain. He moaned and broke his kiss with Lorelei, reclaiming my mouth. I felt her hand slip between us. Before I knew it, her hand was down my pants, replacing Leander’s, while she stroked him with the other.

With both of his hands now free, Leander gripped each of us by the back of the neck, drawing us in closer. Slowly, so slowly I didn’t realize it was happening, he backed away and guided my mouth straight to Lorelei’s.

I should have hated it. No, Ididhate it. I hated her pillowy lips, her velvet tongue, the soft throaty noises she made. I hated the way her hand tightened on my cock when Leander kissed her breasts, doing God knew what else with his other hand. I hated every bit of it. But I didn’t stop.

Lorelei broke her kiss with me, gasping. With only a nod from Leander, she started undressing me. And because I was an idiot, I let her. With each layer of clothing that came off, Leander was there, kissing and biting the newly exposed skin. Once I was completely naked, he seized my face in his hands and kissed me, hard.

I was only vaguely aware Lorelei dropped to her knees, a cock in each hand. When her mouth encased the length of me, I couldn’t help but groan. It was fine, I told myself, grinding my molars together. It was a mouth. That was all. It didn’t have to beHermouth — it could have been anyone’s. It could have been Leander’s if it weren’t for the fact his was currently biting my shoulder so hard I thought he was going to draw blood.

She switched off between us, alternating her mouth and her hands. I hated the fact she could make me feel so good, just like I hated hearing Leander’s appreciative moans. Seeing her blonde head bobbing with each of his thrusts was simultaneously arousing and infuriating as fuck.

“Get on the bed,” Leander breathed, lifting Lorelei by her chin with only the tips of his fingers.

She wiped the saliva from her mouth and turned, doing as she was told.

Leander took a step after her and stopped, looking back at me. He held his hand out, palm up, a silent invitation — no, a plea. Just as mine had been all those months ago, when his heart was fighting with his head.

I didn’t move, his words replaying in my mind.One time. Just give me this one time.

His beautiful eyes locked on mine, predatory but patient. He knew I’d cave before I did. He knew, because he always knew. He knew me more than I knew myself.

Against my better judgement, I relented. I took his hand. My moral compass only had two points and here I was, trashing one of them, all out of sheer desperation to hold on to the beautiful and cruel love of my life.

When we reached the bed he kissed me again, gently, almost apologetically. Heknewthe magnitude of what he was asking, but he asked anyway. How could I refuse when he never asked for anything? At the end of the day, what was more important? His love, or my integrity?

Breaking away slowly, Leander caressed my cheek before climbing onto the bed and settling on his back. When he motioned to her, Lorelei scooted forward, straddling his lap with a practiced ease. Inch by inch, his cock disappeared inside of her. She threw her head back and clawed his abdomen with a groan. I wanted to snap her fucking neck.

Biting his lower lip, Leander’s attention turned to me. He beckoned me with the crook of one finger. Once I got closer, he held out his hands. As soon as he had a hold on both of them, he pulled me forward, right behind Lorelei, and placed my hands on her hips.

“Leander, I—” she said softly, but he shushed her and placed a finger against her lips.

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