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Raking my teeth across my lower lip, I focused on the flashes in my brain, trying to pick a solid one. They were hazy and disjointed, which got me nowhere. “I talked to Sergei.”


“I don’t know.”

“And then what happened?”

“I woke up.” I blinked at him, trying to figure out what, exactly, he was getting at. I clearly did something to piss him off, but damned if I knew what it was.

He sighed, raking a hand through his dark curls. “You wereonsomething, Bennett. Not to mention it smells like you bathed in vodka.”

“You cannot be mad at me for doing a shot or two to keep a Russian boss happy. It’s insulting to refuse their hospitality.”

He scoffed. “A shot or two? Really? You expect me to believe that?”

“I don’t know why you’re so pissed.”

“You nearly gave us away because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself! I’m surprised your mouth didn’t ruin everything.”

“Gave us aw—” The lightbulb clicked. “Oh, fuck.”

Leander gave me a tight smile as the realization hit home. “Yes, well, hopefully Sergei will think it was whatever you took.”

“I didn’t take anything!”

He scowled at me, folding his arms. “Do you want to rethink that position?”

“I didn’t take anything!” Like repeating it would help. To say I was feeling more than a little insulted was an understatement. “I’ve been clean since you came back.”

He arched a challenging brow, his scowl deepening.

“Except alcohol,” I conceded. “You can’t crucify me over that. You drink too!”

“Not to excess. And not to the point where I’m crawling all over some Bratva henchman in front of the boss!”

Despite the fact I had zero recollection of crawling all overanyone, I cringed more at the anger in his tone. “What?”

“I don’t know if I should be more irritated with that or whatever female managed to leave her mark on you before my arrival. If she sucked you off as well as she left a hickey, I’m sure you had a great night.” He scraped the tip of one finger along my jaw and held it up, showing a smear of pink and silver sparkles. “I didn’t realize when you said you were bi, what you meant was you would continue sleeping with both sexes, regardless of your relationship status.”

I wiped at the underside of my jaw in the same spot and stared at the sticky mess on my hand. “I don’t know where that shit came from, but I didn’t sleep with anyone last night, maleorfemale.”

“And you had the audacity to be mad at me over Lorelei when you and I weren’t even together!” He flung the comforter back and jumped out of bed, stalking out of the bedroom.

“Leander, wait!” Scrambling after him, the sheets tangled around my feet in my haste. I hopped on one foot, kicking them away. “I’ll prove it! Just wait a goddamn second!”

By the time I made it to the walk-in closet, he’d changed into a sweater and dress pants. “I thought we were past this. I thought the lying would finally stop, that this was the start of something new. I thought, after Puerto Rico, you wouldn’t feel the need to—”

“I’m not lying!” I held my hands up, blocking his attempt to sneak by me in the doorway. At the moment, I wasn’t above locking him in here to prove a point. “I swear to God. I wouldn’t do that to you. Ididn’tdo that to you!”

He glared at me, his arms crossed again, as unconvinced as ever.

“Where’s my phone?” I asked.


“Don’t leave.” I held a finger up and darted to the kitchen as quickly as I could. Swiping my phone off the counter, I scrolled through the contacts, hurrying back to him. I intercepted him as he rounded the corner from the hallway. “So much for waiting.”

He rolled his eyes, unfazed by my glare, and looked away.

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