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He shook his head with another smile, squeezing Blue-dress’s thigh. “Just here to have good time. That’s all. Relax. Finish your drink.”

As if it was some sort of cue, the blonde on my lap fished a packet of pills out of her bra. She placed a tiny white circle on the edge of her tongue and curled it in a second before her lips were on me. Wasting no time invading my mouth, she transferred the drug from her tongue to mine with one swipe.

Between the heat and moisture, the pill was already on its way to dissolving, which meant I couldn’t even try to squirrel it away to spit out later. Not that I had the chance with the girl’s tongue still in my mouth.

The moment I felt her ease up on the intensity, I pulled back as fast as I could, while still being slow enough to not be offensive. I’m sure it hadn’t escaped Sergei’s attention I wasn’t interested in his “gift.” Hopefully I could play it off as being jet lagged.

She smiled and licked her lips, removing what remained of her lip gloss and any pill residue.

“If you’ll excuse me a moment.” I shifted her off my lap and stood, immediately regretting my attempt to flee.

The moment I was vertical, the world spun. It was too soon to be the pill, whatever the hell it was, so it had to be the vodka.

A bike, Reeve. Just like that time I took my finals completely wasted. I passed back then, I could certainly hold my own now. It just required complete concentration.

Inhaling a fortifying breath, I focused on the door at the far end of the room and started toward it with slow, purposeful strides. Some water and some air. That’s all I needed. I’d be fine. I was a fucking professional.

I all but crashed through the door to the private bathroom. Yanking off my suit jacket, I snarled at it when it wouldn’t come off my arm. Flapping it as hard as I could, I finally freed it from the silver cuff on my wrist and threw it at the sink.

Collapsing against the black marble basin, I hung my head, trying my damndest not to puke.

Water. I needed water.

Turning on the faucet, I cranked the right side and waited until I was sure it was as cold as it was going to get. By the time I was done splashing frigid water on my face, the top part of my shirt was soaked, along with the hair that kept getting in the way.

Well, that was pointless. Still felt like heaving my guts out and now I was cold and wet on top of it.

Staggering toward the window, I shoved it open and leaned against the sill, closing my eyes and inhaling the lovely city air. It smelled like fried food and exhaust, which made me both hungry and nauseated.

Leander was going to be so fucking pissed. I hadnoidea what time it was. The numbers on my pocket watch were a blur. Nope. Pretty sure the tiny hands stopped moving altogether. Shaking it and smacking it against my palm didn’t help, so I stuffed it back in my vest pocket. We hadn’t even been home a week and I was already back to my old ways. Not by choice, but I was going to get an earful nevertheless.

Unless I made it home. Now.

Popping the screen out of the window, I leaned forward and watched it fall to the concrete below, like it was in slow motion. Hanging onto either side of the window frame, I leaned out even further, glancing up and down the alley. I was only a couple floors up. I could totally jump. I’d survive. I’d probably break my leg, but I’d be alive and maybe Leander would be merciful when he saw how desperate I’d been. Unless he broke my other leg. Some days I wouldn’t put it past him. He really was a violent prick when he wanted to be.

The door opened behind me, immediately halting any ideas I had about flinging myself from the window.

I didn’t bother leaving my perch. I probably couldn’t have even if I wanted to. My hands somehow attached themselves to the window frame like it was a life preserver.

“I’ll be out in a second,” I mumbled.

“Take your time.”

The sound of Misha’s voice made me jump and whirl around.

We stared at each other across the tiled space, with only my pounding heart to fill the silence. The last time we were alone in a room together, I got a furtive blowjob behind the bar before we went back to his apartment for some privacy. Even if I was half in the bag — or completely in the bag, it was hard to tell with each minute that passed — I knew my dick was officially off limits this time around.

“What’s up?” I squeaked out the question, still hanging onto the window for some support.

He shrugged, walking forward slowly. “Been a long time.”

“I mean…” I sputtered, gesturing helplessly. What was I supposed to say to that?

I didn’t have time to ponder the answer. Letting go of the sill was a bad idea. I tipped backward, cracking the back of my head against the frosted glass. “Fuck!”

Blond brows furrowed, Misha darted forward and grabbed my shoulders. He pulled me upright again, his big hands drifting downward to hold on to my biceps. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah.” I cleared my throat, trying to sound more sober than I was. “Why?”

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