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The headlights behind me jerked to the left suddenly. His front end smashed into my rear quarter panel and the cars ground together, despite the fact the needle on the speedometer shot over seventy.

In that moment, I knew what he was doing and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it.

“Brace,” I said as the back end of my car swung out to the side.



The black car steered right into us, whipping the Maserati into a spin. I yanked the wheel to the side, steering into the skid. My arms felt like they were going to break from the force, but I couldn’t stop trying to undo that asshole’s pit maneuver.

It didn’t matter in the end.

The world turned upside down, literally, as my car flipped. I saw the ground at least three times as the car rolled into the field. The only saving grace was that we didn’t plummet into the river.

Glass shattered and metal groaned. The airbags exploded, burning my hands and releasing a haze of powder into the cabin. The seatbelt tightened to the point where I couldn’t breathe. My head cracked against the window, along with my left arm.

When the car finally came to a stop, it was on its roof.

Coughing, I clawed at my seatbelt, trying to disengage it.


There was no answer.

I groped at the buckle until I found the release button. Landing with a thud on the roof of my car, I hissed as shards of glass ground into my palms. “Come on. We gotta go.”

Dangling from his seatbelt, blood dripped from his hair. He didn’t move, and he still didn’t answer.

My head was killing me, but it didn’t even come close to the fear crushing my heart. I did my best to support him as I hit the release on his seatbelt. He dropped to the roof limply.

“Leander.” I pulled his head into my lap, patting his cheek. “Wake up.” I felt for a pulse, but my hand was shaking too much to tell if I actually found one or not.

“Wake up!” Something wet rolled down my face, blood or tears or both. I grabbed his jacket and shook him, panic twisting inside of me. “Leander!”

He didn’t move.

Someone grabbed me from behind and yanked me out the shattered window.

“No!” I tried to kick them off and hang onto Leander, or the steering wheel, the seatbelt. Something. Anything. But my fingers kept slipping with the blood and the person behind me was too strong.

The hands wouldn’t budge, ripping me away like I was nothing.

I only caught a glimpse of black boots before I was shoved face-first into the ground. Someone drove their knee into the middle of my back, practically crushing me. In the midst of it all, there was a familiar stabbing sensation in my arm, followed by nothing.



The next time I woke up, it was on a concrete floor. Again. For someone used to a supportive, memory foam mattress, it was getting really fucking old. But, unlike the first time, my hands weren’t tied. In fact, as far as I could tell, I wasn’t restrained at all.

I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked around, deflating again. Another one of Giovanni’s warehouses. Fucking perfect.

As soon as I spied a heap of black off to one side, my heart seized.


Between the pain and the sedative, getting to my feet was a bit of a struggle but I managed it. Staggering over to him, I dropped to my knees and rolled him over. There was dried blood on the side of his face, along with a dozen new cuts from the glass.

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