Page 15 of Night Tales

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"Are you also going to blackmail me?"

My mind is going a mile a minute. If two people know, then more will soon find out. I have to leave this town, but no faerie clan will take me. I might have to (gasp) ask the pixies for help, and that will cost me dearly.

"I do want something, but is something easily given by you. I want you to take me flying. Since I was a small boy I watched the birds in the sky with delight and I wished I could fly someday. Would you do this for me?"

The more words he said, the paler I became.

"I…I have to think about it."

"Don't wait too long, the more time passes after a memory is created, the more difficult it is to remove."

I nod and start to move past him, but he reaches for me and grabs my shoulder. I flinch because he touched the edge of one of my wings.

"I'm sorry. My name is Balthazar. My shop is located at the end of town, right before the caves. But I beg you, decide fast."

My feet carry me towards my shop, but it's like the steps are being taken automatically without my input. Two people know of my secret. Do they both wish me harm? Once I get to my shop, I open up for business. The day goes by and I keep weighing my options. When it's finally time to close, I make my decision.

I travel under the cloak of night, staying in the shadows. The walk towards Balthazar's shop is long and I spend every minute wondering about my life choices. They don't seem too good right now. I finally get there and knock softly on the door. My instinct is to look around me to see if there's anyone there. There isn't, and I'm glad when a second later Balthazar opens the door.

He closes his door and bids me to follow him towards the forest. I don't mind going there because faeries and nature mix beautifully. It's one of the things I miss the most about being with my clan. We walk for a good half hour when we come to a small cave. I'm hesitant to do this, but I take my coat off and let my wings flap against the night air.

"Beautiful." Balthazar says.

"I might have to fly us above the clouds so that no one sees us, is that okay?"

"Of course."

Then I stand behind him and put my arms around his body. It's a bit uncomfortable, but this way he'll get the best view.



I lift up easily and feel Balthazar tremble in my arms. From what I can see of his face, his eyes are open wide and I can feel his heart beating a mile a minute under my embrace. I haven't flown in the longest time. In a way, this is for me as well. I take us higher and higher, but just below what I know we can both handle as the temperature gets cooler as you go up.

His laugh is infectious and the biggest smile is plastered on my face. I carefully guide us through the clouds so that he can see the village from afar. It's just pinpricks of light that call to us. Our neighbors and friends are down there, none the wiser. When I finally feel that the cold air is too much for Balthazar I descend to the wooded area where he brought me.

"Oh my god! That was amazing! You are amazing. I can never repay you for this."

"There's only one thing I need."

He gets close to me and grabs both my hands in his.

"You don't need to worry anymore. I've already done it. The baker is none the wiser about you and your wings."

Relief floods me, and tears come pouring out of my eyes. I'm so grateful that I run into his arms and hug him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

When we separate our faces are so close to each other that I can feel his minty breath against my skin. My lips have a mind of their own and I go on my tiptoes and close the gap between us. There's an electric shock that passes through our lips when we make contact, but we ignore it and let our lips merge together. Balthazar holds me tight around the waist and pulls me closer to him.

His lips are salty and soft. Something takes over me and I'm bold enough to let my tongue tease the space between his lips. He opens his mouth immediately to let me in, and my tongue starts sparring with his. My wings start releasing sparkles. Damn it, I hate it when that happens. I'm not a stupid pixie. This is another one of the reasons I had to leave my clan.

The kiss is starting to get my body heated and for once in my life I don't want to stop whatever it is that is happening here right now. I cup his face with my hands and pour all my dreams, hopes and fantasies into that kiss. After what seems like hours, we separate and look into each other's eyes. There's heat and desire in both pairs.

"Balthazar, I need you."

For a moment, I think he's going to reject me, but he takes my hand gently and pulls me towards the cave. Inside, he starts looking for something and I realize he has supplies to make afire. He starts a small one and takes his cloak off and drapes it on the floor. Taking my hand again, he pulls me towards him.

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