Page 1 of Night Tales

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Istand over my grave, looking at the inscription on the headstone. Jean Luc Deveraux, beloved husband, partner, friend. I don’t know how I came to be standing here, all I remember isher. My wife, my lover, my everything.

Deep inside, I feel a pull and I believe she’s the one calling me to her. But how can I answer her now as a, what?, ghost?, spirit? I’m dead and my body is in that casket, but I’m here in the flesh as well.

I decide to follow that thread that warms up my cold body a few degrees with its promise of love and affection. I make my way out of the cemetery and start walking towards my destiny. When I get closer to the residential area, I see a lot of people walking around in disguises.

They don’t seem to notice me the way I notice them, and when I see some of them knock on doors and get candy as a reward, I realize it’s Halloween. All Hallows Eve. Could this be why I’ve risen from my grave? Thankfully, my body seems whole. Norotting flesh or unseemly fangs that might mean I’ve become a monster. I do glow a bit, though, which helps my trek through the darkened streets of this town.

Mia loved it when we moved here. We were building a life together when… I don’t remember. I don’t know how I died. Focus, Jean Luc, you don’t know how long you have. If I want to see her, I need to hurry things along. All of a sudden, a child gets away from its parent and they come running in full force towards me. When he gets to me, he tries to hug me, but his hands go through the space where I'm standing. The parent catches up with the bewildered child and I realize I’m not solid like I thought.

As I walk through the neighborhood, I keep seeing Mia’s face as if she’s calling me. I’m coming, my love. I never wanted to leave you in the first place, but I’m here now. The dogs of the neighborhood bark at me when I pass in front of their owner’s properties and cats hiss at me. But I don’t let their behavior keep me from my destination.

Finally, after walking endlessly through all these streets and seeing all these happy families out trick or treating, I find my house. I feel a kinship with this building, as if I bonded with it when I was alive. There are two cars in the driveway and I see a light shining from a window.

I glance in and see her. Mia, my everything. But she’s not alone. A pang of jealousy goes through my non solid body at seeing a man with her. A man that is being overly familiar with her. I search the room to see if there’s any sign of the year. Because a chill goes through me when I see they’ve both got wedding rings on their fingers.

Rage goes through me, so much so that my head starts to pulse and I feel this electric power go through my body. I grab my head trying to keep it from exploding, and when my stance wavers, Iput my hand on the window’s frame. The house trembles as the rage inside me flows through my hands to the house.

The couple inside the house, or rather my wife and her new husband, seem terrified and reach out to one another.

His touch looks loving, and she hangs on to him the way she used to hang on to me. I see a calendar through the window and realize it’s been three years since my death. I love Mia with all my heart. I don’t want her pining over me for the rest of her life, but I’d like to be with her one last time.

I don’t know if I can do it, but I need to try. They sit down on the couch and lover boy is flirting with Mia. I should be the one flirting with her, teasing her and seducing her, not this idiot. A night like tonight I’d probably be telling her witchy tales and horror stories so she’d seek safety in my arms.

I’m not solid, so I try to cross over the threshold of the house. The feeling is like going through a gooey wall that sticks to you and tries to pull you back, but I eventually make it to the other side. I look around the house and realize a lot of the house has been repaired or renovated. I was bad at keeping up with repairs. I guess the new husband is either handy or has more money than I ever did.

They’re still sitting together, and my heart gladdens when I see Mia smiling. She’s happy. I don’t begrudge her the feeling. She deserves to be happy. That was my main directive in life, and it remains the same in death. I circle them on the sofa and wonder if I can pull off what I want to do.

I see a picture of us in the mantle and try to pick it up. I’m only able to hold it for a moment, and then it falls from my invisible hands. The cracking noise of the glass startles Mia, and she runs to the picture and picks it up. She holds it to her heart and looks distraught. Lover boy says something, and she reluctantly puts the picture frame back on the mantel.

So she still cares about me, or at least my memory. Lover boy gets up and stands behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders. I don't want to be an observer, I want to be the one holding her, so I focus on him and walk right into him. He fights, but I'm stronger. My love for Mia is stronger. I will myself to push his own essence down and I do feel some guilt as I do it.

It's not his fault I was woken up tonight with the desire to be with Mia once again. They're making their little life together and I'm just a memory. But I'm here now and I can't help myself. The more I push him down, the more I start feeling. The warmth of Mia's body on the hands that are on her shoulders. Other things come into focus. Like how shiny her hair is and her sweet vanilla scent touches my nostrils.

None of this would have been possible without me having possessed him. I squeeze Mia's shoulder and then take her hand in mine. I raise it to my lips and kiss her knuckles. She shivers in response and looks at me with a strange expression on her face. I pull her towards the bedroom and she follows meekly.

Once we're there I start to undress her slowly. She's still looking at me strangely, but lets me take her clothes off without saying anything. Seeing her beautiful body in all its nakedness leaves me with a feeling of raw possession that I can't seem to control. I must have her one last time.

"What's going on?" She asks.

I concentrate fully on my face to superimpose my features over lover boy's and her response is just what I expected. A startled gasp, but then…

"Jean Luc? How?"

"We have tonight." I manage to say, not used to controlling someone else's voice.

I take my clothes off and then pull Mia into my arms. My hard length pushes against her soft belly and I regret that we never had any children. I kiss her brow and then her cheek, movingon to her mouth. I place a chaste kiss on her lips and as usual she responds with passion. Her kiss is wild, almost desperate, and I realize it's because we only have this time together and she knows it.

Wishing it would last a lot longer, I respond in kind to her kiss. Our tongues battle against one another and her hands roam my body as if making sure it's really me that's standing here with her. I break our kiss and lead her to the bed. She lies down and the seductive look she gives me drives me wild. I need to make her mine once again.

I lie on my side next to her and place my hand on her heart. If I try hard enough I can feel it beating. Beating for me, for this moment that we've been granted. I place a kiss where my hand is and then look at her in awe. She's always taken my breath away.

"Make love to me, Jean Luc."

Her ripe breasts call to me and I start placing kisses on them. At her urging, I take a nipple into my mouth, suckling it gently. She's seizes my head and keeps me paying attention to her chest. I could live in between her beautiful breasts if she let me. As a matter of fact, I've fucked them often, claimed them with my seed.

Once I've finished paying attention to one breast I move to the other so that they both get the attention they need. Mia's breathing is fast now and every once in a while she lets out these little whimpers that make my cock throb. Unbelievably, pre-cum comes out of the head of my cock and I wonder if it's mine or his.

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