Page 72 of Swamp Kings 1

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Shock, arousal, and fear ran in circles through Lyric’s blood as she made her way down the corridors as calmly as possible toward Nidev’s apartment. Mr. Nidev. OrKingNidev.

Oh God, she was doing this.

I trust him.

Yes, she did, with all that she was. Whatever he was going through and why, it didn’t matter. She’d help him. The risk was him getting over what was wrong with him and regretting all of it, regretting her.

She couldnotbe whatever she was about to become and survive a rejection after. No way. She would die in every way a person could die, no doubt about it. He was a million times too everything forher not to dive into him one thousand percent. One million. She was literally putting her heart, mind, body and soul on the line with this. On the line!

I trust him.

Oh, you had better, little girl because he can surely break you into a million pieces just with his voice and eyes, much less the entire package.

Her guts flipped a thousand times as she rounded the final corner to his place. Dear God, five minutes ago, he was jacking off to her on the phone. While talking to her! And she was going there to suck. His. Cock. It was surreal as much as it was abstract. The man she'd crushed on since she’d gotten to the school had picked her to work out his psychotic bat-bite obsessions with.

God stop me if this is wrong. Please. Stop me, make something happen to stop it. Otherwise, I’m doing this and once I do, I’m so done!

She stood before his door and rang the bell before chickening out. She swallowed, pushing down her raging pulse but the saliva only made it halfway and brought on a coughing fit. She covered her mouth, stifling it as the door opened to him in black silky briefs, adding panic to the problem. Water. That was all her brain could think as she sped past him to the kitchen, horrified that this was happening. She didn’t care about rewards, but wow, how sexy hot to open the door to your personal cocksucker choking on nothing!

By the time she quit dying, he was leaning against the island with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at her with his usual unreadable, beautiful expression. Right as she worried the mood was ruined, her gaze got hooked on the mountain sized hard on pushing against his underwear. Holy...

“All better?”

His soft, calm words drew her gaze up and she nodded, back to worrying about the cock sucking part of her visit. She really had no experience, she’d only done it once to George in hopes of enticing more and part of her was sure had she known how, she might have succeeded.

“Hi.” She nodded, remembering his question. “I’m…” Honesty! “So very nervous.” She suddenly feared it was the wrong thing to say. “But ready. To learn.”

“And what are you nervous about, my Doo-nie?”

His Doo-nie. What did that mean? He’d begun calling her that after he confessed everything to her. “Uh…” She squeezed the water bottle in her hand, filling the awkward silence with loud crinkling pops. “Just…” Honesty, always honesty with him! “I’m… not the most experienced. At all. I’ve performed oral on a man once. George,” she gasped, trying to shut up. “I don’t think I did it right.” She shook her head ‘til her curls bounced along her face.

“I will teach you everything. You will have plenty of practice. Until you do it perfectly.”

She gave a nod as her privates convulsed, knowing full well what perfect meant to him. She’d been relieved many times that he wasn’t her teacher. He was so very hard and exact. Excellence was his obsession. Practice to him could involve hours of extra time. He was beyond patient. He was the patron saint of patience. Helovedwatching you take as long as you needed ‘til you found themagic,as he often called it.

What would practice look like in regard to this? If his outrageously delicious nasty talk was a measure, she wassoin for it.

“We will begin now,” he announced. “Right here.”

The water bottle crinkled in her twitchy fingers. “In the… kitchen?”

“Yes. Come and stand twelve inches before me.”

There it was. Exact.

She forced her legs to move and carefully got before him, trying to eye the distance correctly. “Is that… good enough?” she asked, meaning to look up at him but his chest was right there, full of all those tattoos she’d fantasized endlessly about.

“It is,” he said softly. “Lower to your knees.”

Oh God, here we go.

On her knees, she was now faced with the job waiting behind the tight black material.

He placed his palms on the counter behind him. “Remove my underwear.”

Remove his underwear. She wouldn’t ask if he meant all the way. Without specifications, it had to mean all the way.

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