Page 49 of Swamp Kings 1

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Had she liked Lore? “This school?” he asked, realizing it could have been prior.

She smacked her hands in her lap, chastising him with her gaze. “It’s irrelevant. Besides,everygirl in this school has crushes onallof the Kings.”

Which King? And why was this information life and death to him suddenly? “I’m entirely unfamiliar with this concept.”

“You’re unfamiliar with the concept of acrush,” she clearly highly doubted.

“Not the term, just the experience.”

She nodded. “That makes sense. You have that hard-ass shield blocking such nonsense from the earliest of ages.”

“Really,” he said, mildly surprised. “And how do you know this?”

The sly smile she gave wrapped itself around his cock. “Because I did a report on you. We had to pick a King and since you were my Mentor, I picked you. Two birds with one stone.”

A report on him. “How did you come by your information?” he asked, ready to have a discussion with whoever gave it.

“Several of the Kings were happy to help.”

“I’m sure,” he said, already guessing exactly which ones.

“But it was just basic information. Backstory type stuff. Place of birth, family, major life events, standard stuff. I know you trained your ass off and earned every single thing you’ve accomplished. Hence, you’re my hero.”

Cute. But what was this strained nonchalance about her trying to tell him? Why did shereallypick him? Now he also wanted to know why she’d picked him for her Mentor. They weren’t permitted to ask but he was permitted to obtain information in otherways. “So, you picked the boring King for a quick assignment.”

This time when she laughed, it brought a new label. Lust with a heat signature. And what did that mean? He couldn’t find out fast enough. “There is nothing boring about you Mr. Nidev. And I never pick easy assignments. I found you to be the most interesting.”

“And that alone is interesting.”

Another heat signature laugh. “You’re the quietest. And mysterious. I guess call me nosy.”

She was withholding so much it was nearly lying. “Sorry to disappoint,” he murmured, opening his water, and taking a swig.

“Thatyou didnotdo. You didn’t know I did a report?” she asked, surprised. Fishing.

“I did not,” he said, closing his water.

“You want to know what I loved most about my findings?”

Loved. He very much did but he took a moment to consider. “Seems I actually do.”

Another seductively hot laugh. “The way you lost your hair and why you got that tattoo. I think it’s the most badass thing I’ve ever heard. And I know you’re not allowed to ask about why students pick Mentors but, I picked you because you represented everything I wanted to be. Strong. Fearless. Sharp. Merciless in perfection. I needed that. And you didnotdisappoint.”

He angled his head, trying to decipher the thing she kept leaving out. He did disappoint her, but not about that. Did it have to do with the prodigy academy? “What about with the prodigy academy? How’d I do there?”

The wreck of emotions on her lovely face was captivating.

“Really,” he said in mild surprise at the display, getting more of it with a vigorous nod.

“You sucked. George was the worst person. For me,” she corrected. “Whatever algorithm or fancy formula you all used for that glitched on us.”

He recalled her reasons for asking to cancel the contract. “I believe you said he was too weak for father material on the dissolution form.”

“Among other things,” she barely said.

“I don’t recall more.”

“Because I didn’t put it,” she confessed with a mix of frustration and guilt. “Look… George was nice enough,” she said. “Arealgo-getter. He tried very hard to make thatarrangementwork and so did I, but in the end it wasn’t enough. And honestly, I didn’t realize why at the time.”

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