Page 7 of Traps and Gretchen

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He pulled her face to him and pressed his mouth on hers, the bold act boiling Traps’ blood with a hunger and power helonged to unleash. “Ibemeanin’that your soul is the only food in this universe that can feed mine.”

She stared right into his gaze, now inches from hers and the power passing between them crackled in the air. “That a fact?” she barely whispered.

“It is aFinishedfact.”

She seemed to realize the intimacy of the exchange and her pale cheekstskedwith a pink hue. She stepped back and gestured at Traps. “Carry on then.”

Fetch got back to eyeballing him. “Your woman has no wants, she hasneeds.This darkness she’s trapped in is its very own prison, and she fears it will consume you. And itwillconsume you.”

The chance that she cared about him to any degree had him shaking with more hope. “I wouldneverhate her. Ican’t,” he realized. Even if he wanted to, and he did, many days, had even tried.

“She only knows self-loathing.”

He stared at him. “I don’t understand.”

“But you will. And when you do, you will also understand the trap she requires of you.”

“The trap she requires ofme?”

“It is the trap that will free her.”

His heart soared at this news. “I’ve trapped many things to free them. I knoweverytrap.”

“You know many but there are more to learn. And with every one of them that you submit to, you will master. This is a divine gift you possess.”

“Tell me what I need to do first.”

“Trap her,” he reiterated. “Literally. And then you must claim her body until all that is beneath her skin is also trapped in you.”

His instructions had him torn between hurrying back to begin and vomiting at his feet. “You want me to use actual rope and tie her up.”


“Against her will. Because she’snotgoing to cooperate.”

“Yes. You will force her.”

He looked at Rowan, feeling like it was all a very bad idea. “You agree?”

“I honestly would say hell no if it weren’t me Fetch sayin’ it.”

He regarded Fetch again, feeling like prior plans had just changed. His brother’s hand landed on his shoulder with a sly grin. “We’ll take a rain check on thefilthysoup.”

“What!?” Rowan balked.

“Our brother has a fire to tend to.” He turned to face Rowan. “As do we,wife.”

Those words zapped away the dramatic gumbo crime crimping her face. He realized he might actually get to share such an intimacy with Gretchen and his adrenalin jacked up. “I’ll deliver the gumbo personally once I’m free to.”

“You can both deliver it,” Fetch said, walking Rowan to the passenger door of the car.

“I have toliterallytrap her,” Traps quickly double-checked.

“Literally. Then possess her in every way you’ve ever imagined.”

Fuck. “She’ll…”

“Fight you with all her human heart,” he assured. “While secretly rooting for your victory.”

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