Page 20 of Traps and Gretchen

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When he came all the way undone with his climax, her toes and every muscle in her body seemed to curl with his snarling pace to the finish line. Her monster didallthe chasing, tearing through barriers to have what he wanted. She saw it in her mind, the whole Milky Way parting for his raging passion.

“Bee-shjoo,” he panted next to her ear, covering her body with his and forcing every inch of her into the bed. The trapped feeling was its own heaven. Trapped by her monster. Protected in his obsession. “Did I fucking hurt you?”

Her attempt to soothe the desperate panic in his voice came in the form of a pathetic whimpered, moan. He hurried off her and she managed to complain with a “Noooo,” whine. He turned her half over and for the life of her she couldn’t move a muscle. They were all baked. Done. Mush. He examined her body then took hold of her jaw, staring into her eyes. “I loved it,” she forced out. “I loved it so much. I’m… just tired. So perfectly tired.”

She closed her eyes and let go a long “Mmmmm” at feeling his soft lips on her forehead then all along her face.

“Ma Belle Petite Bee-shjoo,” he whispered, stroking her with such a careful reverence all over her body. “Your monster loves you more than you love your monster.”

She tried to smile but couldn’t even manage that. And the next time she opened her eyes, it was to the smell of food and a ravenous appetite. But waking to darkness caused her insides to turn jittery and her mind to race like it always did.

The sound of masculine laughter jerked her insides more and she scooted to the edge of the bed, immediately encountering the love marks Neelo left on her body. His monster marks.

Who was there?

Fear Knot

Gretchen searched for her dress along the bed and found it, trying to recall if there was a lamp as she felt along the material for the opening. She froze at the sound of female laughter then quickly slid the dress on, hurrying to find her panties and bra. She made her way toward the door and located the light, turning it on while trying to identify the voices. Was that Spar’s booming laugh?

Her tummy flipped when Neelo’s voice hit right in her womb. She spotted her panties and snatched them from the floor, stumbling into them while looking for her bra. Racing to the other side of the bed, she found it, glancing toward the door as she quickly lowered the dress sleeves and put it on. She looked around for a mirror while removing the high ponytail, her scalp and privates flashing with pleasure memories.I love my Bee-shjoo more.Her stomach knotted with fear and dread, and she shoved it down. Not everything had to break. Not everybody had to be a threat. Not everybody was selfish. She knew that. Those were real facts. And he’d shown her that over the past two months of hell she put him through. She’d been as wrong about him as she’d longed to be. And then she’d taken a terrifying chance with him and thank God she did.

Damn, he had no mirror. Not a surprise. Somebody that beautifulhadto know they were.

She decided to leave her hair down, not wanting to chance an up-do without being able to see. Plus, she wanted to know what women were there. Maybe just one. If it was Spar, whowould be with him? She sucked in a breath, wondering if the terror triplet was there. Ever since she’d learned about them, she wanted to meet them. That would besocool. The Fetch one was supposed to come for supper and if they had, then that should be his wife she heard.

She made her way out of room, taking in a deep, steadying breath, pausing just before she entered the kitchen where they seemed to all be gathered. She heard three men. And two women. The temptation to be one of her confident personas rose up in her.Be the woman Neelo created. Just… focus on Neelo, and how he makes you feel. Be that person. You can do this. You can even pretend it’s another persona just this time.

She stepped into the kitchen but the first eyes she met weren’t Neelo’s but a golden pair.

“Speaking of your salvation,” a woman said with an Irish sounding accent. “She’s right behind you.”

Her heart dropped to her stomach when Neelo took two big steps and caught her up in a huge bear hug, lifting her off her feet and kissing her. “My Belle Bee-shjoo, how did you sleep?” he murmured on her mouth.

“So good,” she whispered as he kissed all over her face while she fought to let him. Being in the spotlight wasnother thing. She was besties with the shadows because they allowed her to learn the terrain without distraction. He finally set her down and she focused on stabilizing her mind and body as he introduced her.

“You know Spar,” he said.

“HeyBee-shjoo,” the giant warrior said with a grin and teasing wink.

She flashed a wave at him.

“And that’s Sister Scarlett,” Neelo said of the woman on Spar’s right.

“She’s training me and I’m training her,” Spar explained.

“Training?” Gretchen wondered, eyeing the nun attire she wore down to the white headdress.

Spar put his huge arm around her tiny shoulders. “I’m teaching her to spar with humans.” He aimed a grin at the girl. “Andshe’steaching how to spar withdemons.”

The poor woman couldn’t hide what the esteemed Swamp Warrior’s touch did to her, not even a little. And she was such an adorable looking thing with the clear green eyes and the kindest demeanor, as if her skin radiated with compassion. It wasn’t often Gretchen felt safe around people but with this woman, she absolutely did.

“Andthatis Fetch,” Neelo pointed to the huge man with the beautiful face next. “First of the three triplets, and his wife, Rowan.”

The pull of the triplet’s bright blue gaze was inescapable, and she finally met it with a quick nod. The power in it became magnetizing and she panicked at realizing he might see inside her. He suddenly glanced at his wife, allowing Gretchen to do the same.

“Very nice to meet all of you,” Gretchen blurted with a wobbly nod.

“And that is… Handy,” Traps said to the golden eyed man.

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