Page 54 of Smoke and Shadows

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“This is becoming a massacre,” Viktor said. “Damn it. We’re fighting blind.” He punched his direct line to Tim. “Burns. The Hudson Building is under fire. I want you to send an assessment to my phone.”

“Holy fuck!” Tim said. “On it, boss.”

Viktor took out an earpiece and mic and fixed it securely. “Has Cole arrived yet?”


“The building security is breaking under the assault,” Jack returned from his quick venture out the room. “But I think they’ve taken out the RPG shooter.” Jack flinched when a bullet struck the wall behind him.

“It might be a good idea for you to take cover,” Viktor told him. “I don’t want to explain a bullet in your head to your wife.”

Jack scowled as he crouched beside Viktor. “Are we just going to sit here?”

“I’m waiting for an update from Tim. We play this smart, McCord.”

Derek crouch-walked beside them. The wild expression on his face indicated worry for his wife rather than their present situation. “I talked to Sophie. She picked up a wounded Jiro Matsuda at the corner of Oakland and Connecticut. Someone attacked the dojo, Matsuda managed to get away. Damn you, Viktor. If anything happens to Sophie—”

“Where are they now?”

“I told her to drive straight to AGS.” Derek looked ready to bolt. The inability to get to his wife immediately was frustrating him.

“Viktor.” A voice he’d been wanting to hear all day sounded in his earpiece.


“Are you at AGS?” Viktor demanded.

“I just got here.”

“Sophie is on her way with Matsuda. I have no time to explain. Call Dr. Henderson.”

“Copy that.”

“Lockwood,” Viktor addressed his friend who looked ready to kill him. “Can I count on you to keep your head straight?”

Derek nodded. Viktor worked with Derek enough to know how reliable the man was. He had nerves of steel when faced with overwhelming odds. But this was before Sophie, and Viktor hoped his friend had not lost his edge after he had gotten married.

“Okay, I’m counting sixteen hostiles armed with AK-47s and they’re slowly pushing forward,” Tim crackled through comms. “Your best bet is at the main entrance. The rotunda has pillars that could provide cover.”

“Copy that. Inform the guards out front that we’re coming through.”

“Roger that. Oh, Sophie Lockwood just checked in at security. Maia and Ms. Cole are on their way to meet her.”

“Thanks, Tim. Do we have an ID on who these men are?”

“Chatter says it’s an Al-Qaeda splinter group.”



Viktor cursed under his breath. What the hell was going on? He glanced at the MPD officers who were valiantly keeping the meeting room from getting overrun. Time to join the fray.

“We break for the front,” Viktor said.

He caught the attention of the MPD police chief and gave him a quick hand signal that they were defending the entrance of the building.

The police chief responded with a two-finger salute.

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