Page 52 of Silver Fire

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Derek suddenly knifed up and caught her around the waist, dragging her down to the bed and rolling on top of her before she could even squeal.

“Minx,” he muttered into her hair, inhaling deeply. “I want you again. Are you sore?”

Sophie nodded sadly. Her female bits were swollen for sure, but she quivered at the thought of him taking her again.

Derek sighed. “Like I just fucked a virgin.”

“Well, you’re not exactly Mister Average, you know,” Sophie retorted

The man grinned wolfishly. “That sounds like a compliment.”

Sophie rolled her eyes and yawned. “You know it is. We don’t have to cuddle, if that’s not your thing.”

He scowled at her. “Most women like to cuddle.”

“I’m not most women.”

“I can tell.”

What’s up his ass now?

“Come here,” he ordered. Sophie wiggled her body beside his and he wrapped his arms around her, her head in the crook of his arm. Sophie inhaled his clean masculine scent. She took the opportunity to admire Derek’s lean-muscled frame. He wasn’t bulky in a way body builders were built; he wasn’t too lean either. He was simply perfection. He had the physique befitting a sex god, not a single gram of fat on him. Sophie couldn’t decide which part of him she loved more: the perfect cut of his shoulders or his sharply-defined abdominal muscles. She snuck a peek at his face. And he was so handsome. Ruggedly handsome. The chiseled planes of his face hinted of an innate arrogance and she found the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes so sexy. Nothing like a man who exuded experience and humor. She sighed contentedly. He was a beast between the sheets and he was currently emanating serious heat. After a few minutes of trying to sleep, she pushed away. It simply was not a comfortable position. She turned around, scooted away and plopped her head on the cool pillow.

She felt his warm body hit her from behind.

“Derek. Not comfortable,” Sophie grumbled.

“You were fine yesterday,” he murmured, nuzzling her nape before he reached over her to switch off the night lamp. Sophie sighed and let herself drift off to sleep. She was too tired and relaxed to argue.

Sophie was dreaming.She was sitting on a red silk divan in an outdoor patio, luscious vines were hanging from a slatted roof. Sheer fabric was draped across her naked body as though to cover her. Her thighs were spread wide, her left calf hooked on the sloped side of the divan while her right knee was bent on the edge, foot on the floor. A naked Adonis with dark blond hair had his face buried between her legs. He was licking her, sucking her and nudging his nose deep inside her as if he wanted to inhale all her essence. She was about to come, all he had to do was flick her clit with his tongue, and she would explode in his mouth. He did just that.

Sophie blew apart in her dream and woke up finding herself convulsing and half sitting-up to the same Adonis buried between her legs.

“Derek!” she cried as she tried to gain her bearings after waking up with an orgasm. But Derek crept up from between her legs and pushed her back into the pillows and swiftly entered her, burying himself to the hilt. Sophie gasped at the sudden uncomfortable fullness that hit her, but Derek had no intention of letting her adjust. He started pounding into her like a man possessed. His deeply feral grunts oddly titillating. He didn’t say anything, just dipping his head once to kiss her savagely before concentrating on giving her another release. Sophie forgot about her soreness and gave herself up to the pleasure that was building crazily inside her, a tight pressure emanating from between her legs even as her muscles began to quake.

“Oh…ahhh …” She wanted to prolong the buildup, but she couldn’t. And when Derek lowered his fingers between her legs, she gave in. Screaming and raking her nails down his back, she shook violently, bucking her hips beneath him, her toes curling even as he plunged deeply inside her. She was still coming down from her high when she felt Derek stiffen and shudder above her. This time, he yelled her name before collapsing on top of her.

He was heavy, but she welcomed the weight as a part of his possession of her. Just when she was about to wriggle out from underneath him, he rolled on his back and pulled her into his arms. This time she stayed and as he stroked her hair gently, she felt him kiss the top of her head and she fell into a deep sleep.


Damian Stoltz clickedthrough the images on the widescreen in his private office. Information about the redhead who was at the bar with Sophie Leroux had just come back from his analyst. Her name was Maia Pierce, she was a marketing executive for Volynsky Pharmaceuticals—a Russian-based company. Flight itineraries, credit history and cell phone records all seemed to check out. She was married to Jack McCord of McCord Defense Industries—a company that had recently concluded negotiations with Silver Fire Research, which would explain her acquaintance with Dr. Leroux. Stoltz clicked through the company’s organizational structure. There were two red flags. McCord himself, who was an ex-Navy SEAL, and Derek Lockwood—the VP for Operations and Design—who was ex-Special Forces.

His secure line started flashing. Punching the speaker button, he answered: “Stoltz.”

“Boss.” It was Justin.

“Did you get my files?”

“Yes. The guys from the bar last night were McCord and Lockwood. Lockwood has some sort of claim on Dr. Leroux.”

“Damn it! We need to get rid of him before he becomes a problem. He may have too many connections.”

“I know. I’ll take care of it. How about the redhead?”

“She’s a corporate type, we shouldn’t worry about her. But keep tabs on her just the same, so we can use her for leverage against Dr. Leroux if we have to.”

Stoltz ended the call.

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