Page 117 of Silver Fire

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With that, Sophie opened the car door and got in beside Marissa. The black sedan pulled back into traffic.


Eight Guardians plus Viktor,Derek and Tim were assembled in the “war room.” After weeks of reconnaissance by the CIA, and chatter being intercepted by the NSA and AGS, there was significant intel that Project “Clean Sweep” was in the process of being unleashed by SASTac.

Though not unusual, there was a spike of activity at the SASTac compound housing the company’s main armory. Another section served as transient housing for contract security personnel.

“They’ve increased patrols around the area indicating that they are in possession of something of high-value,” Viktor told the group. He nodded to Tim to change the screen. “The walls are only twenty feet high and easily scalable for the initial assault. There’s a secluded area near the northwestern part of the compound where we can make our initial breach.”

“Do we have the location of our target?” Manning asked.

“The warehouse has a secure room. It’s our belief that the zee bombs are being kept in that location.”

“How are we going to get into the room?” Derek asked. “We can hardly use explosives; we might set it off.”

“You will be accompanied by a couple of civilian specialists who have expertise in handling this type of situation.”

“Rustled up a cat burglar, Viktor?” Edmunds spoke up.

“We also need to get Dr. Leroux involved to transfer what she knows about the trigger,” Derek added. “Just in case Stoltz is desperate enough to set it off to take everyone down with him.”

“That would be a disaster. Isn’t the compound just outside Johannesburg?”

“Yes. If any of the zee bombs go off, we’re estimating outer radius casualties of about twenty thousand,” Tim said.

A round of muttered expletives filled the room.

“Aren’t we risking too much by going in there?” Edmunds asked.

“That’s been debated ad nauseum,” Viktor replied. “It’s riskier to leave the zee bombs at the hands of a sociopath not knowing where he plans to detonate them.”

“Why were they even created in the first place?” a Guardian scoffed.

Derek bristled and was ready to bite the guy’s head off when Viktor spoke up.

“Why were nuclear bombs created?” Viktor shrugged. “It’s not the science or the bomb that kills people, it’s the people who give the orders to use them. It may be to protect a nation or it may be for greed. In this case it’s greed.”

“Where’s Pierce?” Edmunds asked, noticing the absence of the red-haired Guardian.

A ghost of a smile broke through the planes of Viktor’s harsh face. “Agent Pierce is sitting this one out. I think marital harmony is more important to her right now.”

Derek chuckled while the other Guardians snickered. Most of them had worked with Maia and were well aware of her tumultuous relationship with Jack. Contrary to what Viktor led them to believe, Derek had talked to Maia earlier; his friend had come to the decision on her own without interference from Jack. Personally, Derek was relieved that Maia was not on this mission. He had never seen such contentment and happiness on his friends’ faces, and he was not surprised that Maia would give up the thrill of a job. Jack, for his part, seemed to be filling that void in her life with satisfaction. Although, based on recent events, Maia had probably met her quota of near-death experiences for the year.

He, on the other hand, had everything to lose if this assignment failed: Sophie.

“CIA will be bringing in their explosive ordnance disposal expert,” Viktor said, checking the time on the phone. “Their team should be here any minute. From what Cole told me, majority of them are Black Ops, so you guys may have worked with them before.”

As if on cue, a rap on the door and its subsequent opening heralded the arrival of the CIA contingent from their Clandestine Department’s Special Activities Division (SAD). Derek recognized Daniel Quint who had been a grunt in Special Ops when he was still in the Army. Now, Quint was squadron leader for a top covert operations unit. Seven men filed through, Marissa Cole brought up the rear and she was in deep conversation with—




Sophie. What the hell was Sophie doing here?

Derek rose from his chair slowly, his eyes boring through Sophie who couldn’t hold his glare. Unable to look at him, she smiled feebly and quickly dropped her gaze.

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