Page 87 of Captive Lies

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“This area is off limits,” I told him. What happened toTyler?

His eyes looked over Sergei’s paintings. “My boss wants thosefour.”

“Didn’t you hear me?” I hated that my voice grew shrill. “You can’t be here. Pleaseleave.”

“Don’t you want to find out what’s underneath those,Paulina?”

Oh myGod.

“Who areyou?”

His head cocked to the side and I realized he was wearing an earpiece. “Your guard dog is on his way back. We’ll meetagain.”

He disappeared behind the curtains. I ran after him and bumped into a couple. I apologized and searched frantically around the gallery. There were a few customers milling around, but the gallery was so big that it was impossible that he’d taken off so fast. Jeff was talking to an elderly couple in front of a colorful drip work piece. Sofia was assisting another man in a suit regarding a bronze sculpture, but the man I was looking for was nowhere in sight. I looked down the hallway on myright.

“Hey,” Tyler said, hurrying toward me. “Homeless guy took a swing at Bobby and tried to grab the hotdogs … Blaire, what’s wrong?” He looked around frowning. “And where’sDrew?”

“A man approached me in TheVault.”

“What?” Tyler’s brows furrowed as he led me back behind the curtains and lowered the hotdogs and drinks. “Justnow?”

I nodded. “He just disappeared. I think he went in the direction of the restrooms, but I didn’t want tofollow.”

“I told Drew to keep an eye on you,” Tyler said tightly as he drew his gun from behind him and held it low at his side. He spoke into his wrist comm and after a few seconds, he swore, “Drew’s not answering his radio. I told Bobby to check onhim.”

“What’s going on?” Jeff asked, alarmed when he saw Tyler’s gun. His eyes widened at our hotdogs on the table. “I told you both that food is notallowed—”

“Shut up,” Tyler and I said inunison.

“Stay here,” my bodyguard toldme.

“Nope, I’m coming with you.” I withdrew my own Beretta Pico from my ankleholster.

“Why are you both carrying guns?” Jeff asked, following us through the curtains and right to the hallway. Tyler ordered him to stay back. Following behind my bodyguard, we walked past the restrooms and headed to the exit. Tyler bumped his hip into the exit bar with his gun at theready.

“What the fuck?” he cursed and I got right beside him to see what had unsettledhim.

Bobby was crouched down over Drew. He glanced up at us. “He’sbreathing.”

“Call 911!” Tyler ordered as he yanked the door to the gallery open and shoved me back inside. He was talking to me, but I wasn’t hearing him because Orlov’s words came back to hauntme.

You’re lucky I’m not allowed to killyou.

Make sure Marco is dead; we need Paulinaalive.

Someone was still afterme.



“You and Blaireneed to make a statement to thepress.”

“No, we don’t.” Grant narrowed his gaze at August Lynch who sat across the desk from him. The man had a lot of guts showing up here when he knew Grant wanted him gone from the senator’s team and from theirlives.

“Senator,” Gus looked at his dad who was staring out the window. “Talk some sense into your son. We have a responsibility to your donors to make sure they’re not backing a man with links to the Russianmafia.”

Marcus Thorne turned around and sighed, looking briefly in Grant’s direction. “Grant, as much as I hate to break your rule about not responding to tabloid news, Gus has a point. You know the country is watching U.S. relations with the Kremlin … the rumors of its involvement in the last presidentialelection.”

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