Page 82 of Captive Lies

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“You know that’s the only way I do sleep,” his voice was suddenly in my ear and Ijumped.

He had me cornered in the closet and my breathing turnederratic.

“How do you manage to dothat?”


“Move so quietly when you’re nolightweight.”

“Ouch! Are you saying I’m fat?” Grant teased, moving closer as I shrank further into the tinyspace.

“What are you doing?” Iwhispered.

“I don’t know anymore,” he muttered as his head lowered and pressed his lips to mine. I couldn’t help it and parted my own, and we both groaned when our tongues met. One hand gripped my ass while the other gripped my side and I was lifted and crushed against him. His mouth devoured mine in a dominantkiss.

Grant broke off and whispered, “Wrap your legs aroundme.”

Cold water extinguished my libido. I wasn’tready.

He noticed the conflict on my face and grimaced. He lowered me to the floor, but spread his arms, resting one hand at the door of the closet and the other against a wall, caging mein.

“Let me pass,” Isaid.

“No,” he gritted. “Not until you tell me why you’re still so skittish about us. Why won’t you give me anotherchance?”

“I don’t trust you not to freeze me out again,” I said. “When things get tough, that’s when it’s important to communicate,Grant.”

His hand cupped my cheek and I welcomed thegesture.

“I loathe that it took almost losing you to learn my lesson,” he said huskily. “I shut you out so the Galleria deal could receive my undivided attention. Jake asked me if it was worth losing you over and it wasn’t. Not even close. It was my complacency thinking that I could keep you in one compartment of my life while I operated freely in others, but that wasselfish.”

“I’m not a toy that you can bring out whenever you want toplay.”

“That wasn’t my intention!” he grated, taking his hand from my cheek and slapping it against the door. “There was danger around you and I needed yousafe!”

“You didn’t text or call me for three days because you were pissed at me for sparring withTyler.”

“I couldn’t bring myself to call or text you because there were so many things I wanted to say to you. I wanted to settle our problems face-to-face. Words over text or phone can be misinterpreted and knowing how I say shit sometimes, I didn’t want to make matters worse between us. I wanted that Galleria deal over so I can concentrate on us. And then at theER…”

“Let’s not talk about that anymore,” Iinterrupted.


“I didn’t hold anything you said at that time against you, Grant. It hurt me, but I understood,” I said. “Amelia came first. The senator and your sister neededyou.”

Something flashed in his eyes and his hands gripped my shoulders. “I handled that wrong,” Grant rasped. “Things were shaky between us, and, again, I thought I could keep you locked away to figure things out later while I dealt with my family. Thinking I could deal with you when I felt I was ready without considering your feelings—that arrogance nearly cost meyou.”

“Am I still in a compartment?” I askedquietly.

“No. You’re everything to me. You’re my world, Blaire,” he declared. “And fuck, I’m not telling you how I feel in a closet,” Grant addedruefully.

I gave a nervous laugh even if a web of warmth drew the shattered pieces of my hearttogether.

His head lowered to brush his lips against mine. “I better leave you alone before I fuck you against the wall of this closet. Not how I envisioned making love to you again after a long time, but there’s only so much self-control a man canhave.”

He backed away, not breaking our gaze. “Jeffrey Hawkins will be waiting for you at The Prestige Gallery at nine. I received word that the crates arrived last night and he’ll be unpacking them thismorning.”

“Are you sure he won’t mind me beingthere?”

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