Page 104 of Captive Lies

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And that washow that weekend went. They talked, ate, fucked, and, when they weren’t doing any of those things, Blaire caught up with this zombie apocalypse series she was hookedon.

He once thought he’d be happy living a hedonistic lifestyle with Blaire, but he knew that, just like him, she would need balance and time away from him. He could easily smother her with his insatiable need for her and it was fortunate that his business commitments forced him to leave the house. But ever since Blaire’s abduction, fear of letting her out of his sight had gotten into the mix. Maybe he needed to talk to a therapist himself because the fear wasn’t fading and had only gottenworse.

Grant would think back to this time and realize his psyche was giving him apremonition.

The call camelate Sunday evening. Blaire was already sleeping and Grant was in his office finishing up a call with his Hong Kongoffice.

“Grant.” His name on his father’s gruff, tormented voice was enough to send the blood draining from his face. He held the phonetight.

“What’s wrong?” Shit, he hoped Mom wasfine.


Grant sighed, relief briefly taking over. “What did she donow?”

“Grant, they tookher!”

“What? Who tookher?”

“Andy went over to see her and she wasn’t at her house. He thought she was just mad at your engagement and took off without tellinganyone.”

“How do you know someone took her?” Grant asked. “You know Val has a habit of going off on her own when she’s upset. And where the hell was hersecurity?”

“They called with their demands,” his father’s voice grew hoarse. “Her two bodyguards were found dead inside thehouse.”

“Jesus Christ. Do we know who they are? Is it one of those white supremacistgroups?”

“No, Grant. It’s the people who took thepaintings.”

Dread unlike any gripped his lungs in a strangle hold, and he knew, just fucking knew, what those fuckerswanted.


“They want Blaire for Val,” the senator saidraggedly.



Something woke me.It felt like a light brush on my lips. Grant was leaning over me, his features shadowed in thedarkness.


He twisted and turned on the night lamp, illuminating his ravaged face. Something was terribly wrong. I jacked knifed to a sitting position and put my hand on hisarm.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,Angel.”


He studied my face, emotions conflicted, until a determined gleam entered his eyes. “The men who took the paintings kidnappedVal.”

Oh, no.Words refused to come out of my mouth. Iswallowed.

“Dad is meeting me at the office within the hour.” He kissed my forehead and got to hisfeet.

When I realized he was simply leaving, I scrambled off the bed, noting briefly that it was one in the morning. “Wait,Grant!”

I cursed his long legs as I struggled to catch up with him and tugged on his arm. “It’s me they want,right?”

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