Page 22 of Saving Grace

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“Are you using Grace to get to Holden?”

“What? No way. I care about her.”

Millie raised a brow.

“As a friend.”

Her brow went up higher.

“Just ring up my order so I can get out of here,” Matt growled. He didn’t need Millie butting into his love life.

Love life?

Where did that come from?

He stalked out of the diner, his thoughts and emotions on a rampage, he almost didn’t register the roar of Harley pipes until they were upon him. He stiffened when he saw Troy’s SUV flanked by two motorcycles stopping in front of his garage. The biker boss stepped down from his vehicle, his gaze zeroing in on the bag of food Matt was holding.



“I see you’re taking care of Grace.”

Matt didn’t say anything.

“I should have come earlier,” Troy continued. “You didn’t have to bother with feeding her breakfast. We’re preparing a feast for her back at the compound. Thank you for—”

“You’re not taking her,” Matt cut off the other man.

“Excuse me?” the biker’s voice lowered.

“I said, you’re not taking her,” he repeated. “Until I know who’s after her, she’s not leaving my loft.”

“She agreed to this?”

Matt’s jaw tightened and he lifted his chin slightly.

“She didn’t, did she?” The biker smirked. “Are you holding a woman against her will, Foster? I’m pretty sure she told you to get lost the last time.”

“That’s neither here nor there. Someone wants to hurt her. I told you this. Could be blowback from your enemies.”

“Could be,” Troy shrugged. “I’ll make it up to her.”

Matt wanted to throat punch deLamar. The idea of the biker “making it up” to Grace was a burn down his throat.

He went on the offensive instead. “What the hell did you drag her into, Troy?”

“That’s between me and Grace.”

“Not anymore.”

“Dammit, Foster, you forget that you owe me.” Clearly Matt has gotten under the biker’s calm demeanor. Good. Because Matt was a ball of fire and fury. He had a good idea that Troy was responsible for what happened to Grace whether directly or indirectly.

“That marker I owe you doesn’t factor into Grace’s safety. So, you can quit throwing that in my face.”


He closed his eyes briefly in frustration before turning to see Grace standing in front of the garage. He had wanted to keep her out of Troy’s sight until he had gained her trust completely. Looked like that wasn’t going to be the case. He took comfort in seeing her tiny frame wrapped up in his jacket with his smell encompassing her.

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