Page 103 of Big Bad Wolfe

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“‘Kay!” Casey scrambled off the bench and tore into the house. “C’mon, Aunt Jelly, let’s get this bath done.”

Zane’s promise worked wonders, making it the fastest, easiest bath and shampoo on record. Casey skipped outside in his pajamas, clean and fresh, hair still slightly damp.

She mopped up the inevitable puddles on the bathroom floor, and tossed the soggy towels in the hamper. Loud knocking sent her running to the front door. Now what?

She swung it open and Richard strode inside.

“I’m here to pick up Casey for an overnight.”

Annoyance grated through her. “You’re supposed to give me twenty-four hours advance notice.”

“There’s a hospital picnic tomorrow.” He grimaced. “I wasn’t planning to attend both that and the gala, but my morning surgery canceled. It’s a family event, and everyone else is bringing their children. If he’s not there it will look bad.”

So once again, he wanted to trot Casey out on display to bolster his image. She gritted her teeth. “I want to talk to you. I’ve made you aware of the effect your negative criticism has on Casey, but you continue to hammer him verbally. Now I hear you’re spanking him. And did you know Brooke has been spanking him with awooden spoonand sending him to bed without dinner?”

He shrugged. “Children need discipline.”

“Not that kind.”

“You do it your way and we’ll do it our way. Go fetch him, and make it snappy.”


His eyes darkened. “What do you mean, no?” He took a step toward her. “Get him, now. Or I will.”

She raised her chin. “You and Brooke are mistreating him. You can’t have him.”

“Deb bought into that namby-pamby psychobabble, and look at the result. The kid is a whiner with no backbone.” He pushed past her. “You won’t get him? Fine, I will.”

Zane strode into the room from the kitchen. Blocking the doorway, he stopped Richard in his tracks.

Jillian glanced worriedly behind him. “Where’s Casey?”

“I heard voices and told him to wait for me on the deck while I checked it out.” He stared at Richard. “I assume you comprehend the wordno.”

Crimson streaks surged into Richard’s aristocratic cheekbones. “The court-ordered visitation gives me overnight privileges twice a month, a week at Christmas break, and a month during summer vacation.”

Zane stepped closer, invading Richard’s space. “You’re not taking him. Not now, not ever.”

White mottled Richard’s face mixing with the flush of anger. “You have no right to deny me.”

“I have every right.” Zane’s fists clenched, his voice low and lethal. “I’m his father.”

“Somefather.You were absent during his formative years, and now you think you can muscle in and take over? What do you know about parenting? You have no experience.” Richard’s disdainful hazel gaze raked Zane from head to toe. “And judging by your aggressive behavior, your father didn’t do a stellar job. If you follow his shining example, my nephew is doomed.”

Zane paled, inhaled sharply.

Richard couldn’t have scored a more harmful direct hit. Vibrating with rage, Jillian planted both palms on Richard’s chest and shoved. “Get out of my house, you pompous bully.”

Richard shoved her back roughly enough to make her stumble. “Careful, Jillian. Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

Zane stepped between them, swiftly maneuvered her behind him. Fury radiated off his big body as he stood between her and Richard. “Touch her again, and we’ll see how well you operate with two broken fucking hands.”

“Violence is your answer to everything, isn’t it?” Richard taunted.

Jillian pressed trembling lips together. A rare flash of her temper had put Zane in an untenable position. “Look, let’s all just calm down and—”

“Are you giving me the damned brat?” Richard demanded.

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