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“I’ll be here,” he whispered, pressing his lips on the top of my head.

I took another deep breath, savoring his scent, and headed inside. Not daring to look back, afraid if I would, I wouldn’t go alone.

Everything disappeared when the heavy smell of antiseptic burned my nose. I didn’t know why it had to be so intense and it made me wonder what had happened that this place needed such a deep clean. The walls seemed to be freshly painted white, the few windows blocked out the sunlight with closed blinds. The waiting room was brightly lit by the fluorescent bars on the ceiling.

My steps were with caution, eyes fixed on the empty desk in the distance. There was no one and memories flooded my mind again.

“You are going to be okay, pumpkin.” My father’s voice flowed through me and images of me, sitting in the doctor’s office with blood trickling down my leg. My father kept pressure on the cut, so firmly it made me whimper and my hold on the fluffy cuddle wolf tightened.

“What took you so long?” he barked at the doctor, but before I could see his face, I was pulled back to the present.

I blinked away the blur and my vision slowly cleared. Meeting the eyes of an older woman. Her gray hair tightly braided, with what seemed red leather mixed in it. Her eyes were an emerald green, almost piercing through mine.

“Have we met before?” I asked, stepping closer, knowing for sure I had seen her before. My fingers trailed over the cold desk and goosebumps rose on my arms. This unexplainable shiver moved through me, and I couldn’t look away from her.

Her brows knitted, and her lips pursed. “You don—”

“How can we help you?” The question cut off the woman’s word. My eyes wouldn’t leave her, hoping she would speak again.

“Miss?” the male voice echoed around me, and I hummed.

“Monroe. I want to make an appointment.” I sighed, finally meeting his stern gaze.

The tall man watched me with curiosity and the way his nostrils flared gave me an answer I wasn’t even searching for. He was a wolf.

His hair was the same color of gray as the woman’s, but there was something more.

He said nothing, so seeing there was no one around, it wouldn’t matter if I explained what for. “I don’t even know if you have a gynecologist here—”

“I am.” It seemed this man was the master of interrupting a woman, but it didn’t seem like he did it out of disrespect.

“I need a new IUD and something else checked,” I blurted out.

“Okay, come.” He turned without waiting, and I stood frozen on the spot. Didn’t they need any other information from me? Just something.

I watched the older lady again, hoping she would speak up, finish her words. But all I saw was sadness, the same one that my eyes held.

She gulped and sat down, and I couldn’t move. My eyes fixed on her.

“I shouldn’t keep him waiting for too long.” She smiled, one that didn’t reach her eyes, one that did nothing for the hurt in them.

With a weak nod, I walked past her desk, my legs moving on their own. Not knowing where I was heading, but still, I arrived where I should.

“I’m doctor Shaffer, please change.” He gestured to the flimsy gown and then to the changing space.

The small office had everything needed for this, and I didn’t linger too long. Quickly got ready, and hopped on the examination table. Rubbing my cold hands together, I waited.

Shaffer sat on this low wheeled chair and rolled beside me. “Why are you here today, other than the IUD?”

His words were spoken kinder than by the front desk, and I let out a breath of relief.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I said what was on my mind. “I haven’t had my period since my IUD was removed.” By that fucking ass Liam. I didn’t tell him that though.

Doctor Shaffer hummed, writing something down on the small notepad he was holding.

“I did a pregnancy test, but it was negative.” He didn’t even ask for this, but I figured it was best to tell him.

This tension moved through his body, and it made my brows knit together.

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