Page 60 of Something New

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“Nerissa, stop.” He snarls angrily.

I can’t breathe and I can’t move. I freeze, staring up at him with wide eyes, pleading him to let me go.



She is fighting and kicking underneath me. I squeeze my knees together trying to give her less movement. Desperate to calm her down. The blankets are knotted over her, and she is only making it worse for herself. She screams again against my hand, and I am forced to push harder over her mouth. This is turning me on. I could rip her panties off and thrust into her right now. She doesn’t stand a chance against me. I close my eyes for a second, not letting her go.

“Stop.” I growl, not wanting to lose control of myself and hurt her. She knew I was outside, she knew I was here. Why the fuck is she acting so terrified? She kicks again and scratches her nails across my arm.

“Nerissa, stop.” I say with threat in my voice.

Finally, she freezes, she stops kicking. In fact, she stops moving all together.

In the heavy silence that falls over the room I can feel her pulse beating fast against my hand. Her body is shaking beneath me.

“It’sme,for crying out loud.” I sigh heavily. “I’m going to take my hand off your mouth now. Are you going to keep quiet?” she nods, her eyes locked onto me.

I lift my hand. Even in the dark I can see the red outline of where my fingers were locked onto her face.

She doesn’t move, and she doesn’t make a sound.

I sit up, still kneeling over her, but not needing to use the weight of my body to keep her quiet anymore. Her breathing is still heavy and sharp. Each breath she takes is loud, breaking the silence.

“Are you ok?” I ask after giving her a moment.

She nods.

I climb off her, even though I don’t want to. I take a seat in the armchair again, rubbing my hands over my face.

“I thought you knew I was here.” I sigh.

She sits up, scrambling back against the headboard and pulling the blankets up over herself to hide her legs. I wish she hadn’t. I could pull the blanket away, but I won’t. I need to give her a moment.

“I - I saw you outside.” She mutters.

“I’m going to make you some tea.” I say, standing up, moving so I don’t startle her again.

She leans over and flicks on the row of fairy lights that are hanging across the corner of her room. Soft warm light fills the space, and it soothes away some of the tension.

“I’m sorry.” I say, running my hand through my hair. “I didn’t mean to give you a fright.”

“It’s ok.” She says, not looking at me. She is busy trying to straighten the knotted blanket.

I pull two mugs out of her kitchen cupboard and filled the kettle, turning it on.

Then I watch her while I wait for it to boil.

She’s up now, remaking her bed, hurrying as though she has tension she needs to shake off. She bends over to pull the blankets straight and the t-shirt slips up over her ass. I snarl. She is teasing me. She is doing that on purpose.

But I can see that’s not true. She’s too stressed to be thinking about that right now.

She sits back down on the bed and crosses her legs, placing a pillow on her lap as though it will comfort her. A shield between me and her body.

The pillow wouldn’t help anything if I decided not to behave. But if it makes her feel better it really doesn’t matter.

The kettle clicks and I put hot water over the tea bags, watching them bleed ochre, red into the water like a strange dance.

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