Page 32 of Something New

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I sigh.

Even after I moved into an apartment in the city. Even though I don’t work for my father anymore and I have my own branch of the business - even though I am doing everything in my power to distance myself from him - he still has control over me and my brothers.

We all just bow down to him as though he is the king and ruler of the universe.

He’s a fucking monster. She was right.

I am nothing like him.

“I’ll be there soon.” I sigh into the phone.

“Good.” Rufino says, then hangs up on me. I slip the phone back into my pocket, watching her walk further down the road. I want to follow, but family duties are calling. I will only make it harder for myself, more complicated, if I don’t do as my father asks and go to whatever urgent meeting he has set up.

Soon, I won’t have to watch her from a distance. Soon she will be in my arms, and I will have the rest of my life to show her how much I love her.

I start the engine of my car only when she is out of sight.

Revving I push it into gear and pull out onto the road, heading towards my father’s mansion.

It’s strange to hate someone so much, but I do. I hate him to the point where just a photograph of his face turns my stomach.

I take twenty minutes to get to the house. There wasn’t any traffic even though at this time of the day it should have been gridlocked. I would have preferred traffic. To delay arriving here.

Anything to avoid being close to my father.

I climb out of the car and walk up the stone steps of his mansion.

I grew up here - and in all my time in this house - the only thing I enjoyed was her.

“You took your fucking time.” Masaccio snaps when I walk in.

“Whatever, I’m here.” I wave my hand in the air to dismiss him. The golden boy.

Rufino walks through carrying a cup of coffee.

“Another one?” Celso quips, rolling his eyes. “You don’t think you’ve had enough caffeine to power the city yet?”

“Hey, this asshole was taking forever and I’m hungry.” Rufino huffs, sipping the coffee.

“Will you all just shut up.” Masaccio complains, rubbing his head.

“Where the fuck are your manners bro?” Celso laughs.

“Where the fuck is your mother, bro?” Masaccio snarls back, moody and dark.

Celso falls deathly silent with rage lines furrowing his face.

His mother is not my mother.

In fact, he doesn’t share the same mother as any of us. Our father had a brief fling, and his mother dumped him here and disappeared. He is bitter about it - and even though I don’t get on with any of my brothers - that was a low blow for Mas to use against him.

I sit down on the sofa in the living room and chuckle. “If anyone was going to be accused of having a different mother, you’d think it would be red-haired Rufino. The soulless ginger.” I taunt to take the pressure off Celso and Mas’s nasty comment.

But it wasn’t a good choice because Rufino isn’t just hungry - he’s hangry. He’s the biggest of all of us and when he gets hungry - he gets fucking moody.

He spins towards me with a snarl on his face. His dark red hair is like flames as though he has risen from hell to rain scorn upon my soul.

I hold my hands up.

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