Page 20 of Something New

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The girl standing there, with the glittering short body tight black dress on - she looks beautiful. She might even be sexy. I stand up on my tiptoes, picturing the heels I refuse to put back on and I spin a little to see my dress from different angles.

This dress might just be the start of a new me.

But - if Riley didn’t come tonight - then he can’t be the one who bought it for me.

I run my hands over the luxurious fabric.

Who in the world got me this dress - and why has no one said anything?

How can I say thank you if I don’t even know where it came from?

I’m still dazzled by my reflection.

When I see the shadow of a movement behind, I freeze. There’s someone in here. Maybe it’s the neighbors cat? Shit. I can’t move — I can’t breathe.

A tall man steps out from the dark corner behind the armor next to my bed. Was he there this whole time? How the hell didn’t I notice? There was a person in my house and I didn’t see him, I’m never drinking again.

I still can’t move. My heart is beating so fast I’m going to puke, cry and scream at the same time. But none of those things are happening.

I need to scream or run or hide or find a weapon. But I can’t move.

He takes another step towards me, my instincts are broken, why am I not doing anything to survive? To live. To get away — to — why — why does he look so familiar?



Iwatch her, admiring at herself in the mirror, admiring how beautiful she looks in the dress I bought her. I have never seen a more gorgeous woman in my life, and it feels animalistic to just sit in the dark here, in the corner of her room, admiring that beauty.

That stunning creature that will soon be mine.

I grin, a dark, knowing smile.

My heart is racing with excitement.

Right now, she is mine to do with as I please. I could take her, I could do whatever I wanted. She’d be powerless to stop me.

I shake my head. No. That is not the game I am playing. I am playing a different game tonight. A patient game. A game that in the long run will make her mine forever.

My cock stirs, hardening against my pants as I sit with my legs spread and my chin resting on one hand. My elbow propped on the arm of the chair.

Patience, Tuomo.

You always get what you want in the end, and this will be no different.

She stands up on her tiptoes and turns around in front of the mirror, giving me a better view of the curve of her hip as it dips towards her waist.

Fuck me.




I brush my hand over my cock, wanting it to calm down, but wandering if it is going to be possible until I have tasted her.

But I wait. I wait and I force my body to conform to what I need right now.

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