Page 11 of Something New

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But I see her every day.

I follow.

I watch.

I wait.

We are meant to be together, so as soon as she turns twenty-five, I intend to keep my promise to marry her.

Over the years Nerissa has become more and more beautiful. She was always beautiful. The most beautiful girl in the world. Her thick dark brown hair, those gorgeous, big green eyes and her plump peach-colored lips - she has always been perfect.

But now she has filled out in different ways. She has grown from a girl into a woman. Her curves are more accentuated, and her features are more defined.

She is striking.


I sit in the car outside her university. She has already graduated but today she came to fetch the last of her books from her locker. She has them in her arms as she walks, unknowingly, towards where I am parked. My windows are too dark for her to see into my car though. She has walked past me many times. The boy she likes is walking across the grass with her and I watch them, my fist clenched on the steering wheel.

He is getting too close. Too comfortable aroundmygirl.

I waited, hoping she would lose interest in him once university was over, but this one she seems to really like and the last boy she really liked kissed her before I managed to -intervene.

Nerissa doesn’t know I follow her. She is blissfully unaware I play any part in her life at all. So, she also does not know that the last boy who liked her didn’t change to another university like the rumors stated. He was purposefully removed from the picture.

Because no one else should dare to kiss her. And no one else should dare to touch her.

And right now, I am watching as the boy reaches out and puts his hand on her lower back. His name is Riley. And Riley doesn’t know that soon he is also going to mysteriously disappear.

She turns to look at him with a smile on her face and a bright light shining in her eyes.

I snarl, my eyes darkening towards him.

I wish I could climb out of the car right now and slam my fists into his face until his nose splinters and his teeth crack.

But I can’t. I have to be patient.

Her birthday is coming up. In a week she turns twenty-five and as long as there is no boy she is in love with - and she is not married - then our pact will stand strong. Nerissa will have to keep the promise she made almost six years ago and marry me.

So, all I have to do is make sure that this boy doesn’t make it to her birthday.

Even though my father moved her out of the house, I could never let go of her. I have watched her throughout her life as she grew and changed and become more and more enticing to me.

I know all her favorite foods and her favorite color. I remember which sweater she loves the most, even though it has holes at the seams, she refuses to throw it out. And in the evenings, she curls up on the sofa to watch tv wearing that same black hoodie.

She loves popcorn, but without salt. She throws chili flakes on it.

She loves coffee with one spoon of sugar and way too much milk.

She loves it when it rains, and I watch her staring through the window, looking up at the dark gray sky with a smile on her face.

Sometimes at night, lying in bed right before she falls asleep, she talks to her mother.

Sometimes she doesn’t.

And some nights - she touches herself - and those nights are the most difficult for me, especially when I am in her room, standing in the dark, watching her from my hiding place behind her closet. Those nights are hard for me because all I want to do is be with her. I want to walk over to her bed and give her what she needs.

But I have to stay dead still, my cock rock hard against my pants, my breathing steady and silent while I watch her. That is self-control.

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