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“What did you find?” I asked, leaning forward in my chair.

“Well, he’s not in the system, but I ran a comparison against our database. There’s an eighty percent match with a known hitman, Luca Moretti, otherwise known as the Phantom due to his ability to move undetected and leave no trace behind. He’s done a lot of work with your old boss, Carlo Ricci.”

My blood ran cold at the mention of Ricci. Carlo Ricci had been the head of the mafia family I once served as underboss. Our paths had diverged sharply after Maria’s death, but I knew Ricci’s reach was long and his memory longer.

But it didn’t make any sense. Why send a hitman into my home and not have him kill me?

“What the hell was he doing here, Logan? Why didn’t he just kill me?”

Logan paused, the sound of clicking keys in the background. I didn’t rush him.

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. It doesn’t make sense. If Ricci wanted you dead, he wouldn’t send someone to just snoop around. It’s too risky. He had to have been there for a reason.”

I rubbed my temples, trying to piece together the puzzle.

“What about the footage? Can you enhance it more? Maybe find something I missed?” I tried, picking up a pen and spinning it in my hand.

“I’ve done everything I can with the footage,” Logan replied. “The guy’s movements are too precise. He’s a pro, Vincenzo. But I did manage to get a clear enough shot to start digging. The problem is he’s not in any official records. Everything on him is conjecture, so there’s a possibility that it isn’t really him after all. I can’t truly be certain. He’s never been caught, never leaves a trace. The Phantom is truly a ghost. All we’ve got on him is a hand-drawn image from someone that survived one of his hits and his name.”

“Damn it,” I muttered, frustration bubbling up inside me. “So, what’s the next step?”

“Well, I’m going to keep digging. I have a few contacts who might know more about Ricci’s current operations. If this guy is still working for him, someone’s bound to know something.”

“Thanks. I owe you.”

“I owe you,” Logan said with a slight chuckle. “But seriously, keep your head down. If Ricci is involved, this could get ugly fast. You know how he works. He’s like a dog with a bone. He won’t stop.”

“I will,” I assured him. “And Logan, let me know as soon as you find anything. We can’t afford to wait.”

“Will do. Stay safe, Vincenzo,” Logan said before hanging up.

I sat back, my mind racing. I hadn’t thought about Carlo Ricci in years, not since Maria’s death. Frankly, he was an asshole who thought about no one other than himself and I was glad to be rid of him when I disappeared and left the mafia life.

Our relationship had always been stormy. Carlo was the kingpin of the Ricci mafia family. He ruled with an iron fist, demanding absolute loyalty at all times. But his decisions were often reckless, driven by a thirst for power and dominance that overshadowed any sense of caution, which proved dangerous time and time again.

One particular incident stood out in my memory, and I gritted my teeth, remembering my frustration back in those days. We had been in the midst of a turf war with a rival family, the Giamattis. Ricci, in a fit of arrogance, decided to make a bold move without waiting for the full intel on the situation. He ordered an ambush on what he thought was a small gathering of our enemies, expecting minimal resistance.

I had advised against it, arguing that we needed more information, but Ricci dismissed my concerns pretty much immediately. Reluctantly, I went along, knowing that any hint of protest or defiance would be seen as betrayal. As I had expected, the ambush quickly turned into a disaster. We were outmanned and outgunned, which ultimately resulted in leaving many of our men injured or dead.

In the chaos, I took a bullet to the arm. The gunshot had only grazed me, but it left a scar, a permanent reminder of Ricci’s recklessness.

I rubbed the spot on my arm, feeling the raised scar beneath my fingertips. After that incident, my trust in Ricci had been irrevocably shaken. Maria had begged me to leave the life, to find a way out before it consumed us both. I had promised her I would, but it wasn’t until her death that I found the strength to break free.

I couldn’t let Ricci’s shadow fall over my family again. With a deep breath, I steeled myself against him once more, determined to uncover the truth and protect those I loved.


And now Jenna.

My gaze slipped back to her, and I licked my lips. Logan would need time to get more information, so there wasn’t much I could do at this point.

So I left my office, strode through the house, and climbed up to the second floor where there was a very naughty girl who needed the lash of my tongue.

I caught a glimpse of her as she raced by me and into my bedroom. My bed creaked as she jumped on it, and I smirked.

Willing it is.

I could work with that.

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