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He traced slow, torturous circles around the bundle of nerves and my hips bucked against his sure and steady touch.

Yes.This. More of this…

My breathing was ragged and unsteady, and I could feel the pleasure building inside me, threatening to consume me. I couldn’t take much more of this without breaking apart.

“Please, Vincenzo,” I begged.

“What do you need, sweet girl?” he asked, his voice husky and full of a need of his own.

“Please let me come, please,” I pleaded. His fingers began to speed up and my breath caught in the back of my throat as a surge of desire spiraled through me like a heated knife through butter.

“Come for me, Jenna,” he commanded, his voice soft and filled with dominance.

His fingers sped up more, and within moments, I shattered, a powerful orgasm crashing over me.

I gasped, my entire body shuddering as the pleasure rolled through me in waves. I moaned, my core cinching tight with pleasure over and over again.

Oh. Please.

“Fuck,” I breathed, the word coming out on a ragged sigh. I was dizzy and lightheaded and completely lost in the moment.

He continued stroking my clit, drawing out my orgasm as long as humanly possible.

“You’re coming so hard for me,” he observed, and I blushed hard as I tried to catch my breath.

“Sir,” I whispered, still swept up in the throes of my never-ending release.

“I love watching you writhe and flex and come over my knee with your bottom bright pink, baby girl,” he observed, and my face must have turned as red as a cherry tomato.

I was a mess, a sticky, quivering, panting mess, but I couldn’t find it in myself to care.

My orgasm slowly subsided, and I went limp over his knee, spent and satisfied, but his fingers didn’t leave my clit. Instead, he kept lightly rubbing my over-sensitized bundle of nerves. I twitched and I squirmed, but nothing seemed to work. He kept coaxing my poor clit and soon enough, I was panting and writhing over his knee once more.

“Vincenzo,” I whimpered, a desperate plea for relief. He had to stop touching me. I couldn’t take it.

“Come for me again, baby girl,” he ordered.

His words pierced right through to the very marrow of my bones and then I was sailing over the edge before I realized what was happening. I cried out, another orgasm crashing over me, this one even stronger than the last.

White-hot bliss pulsed through me. It was like a bolt of lightning, searing and hot and electric. Every nerve ending in my body tingled with pleasure, and I could barely keep myself together. My legs trembled and my fingers dug at the floor. His hand on my hip gripped a little tighter, holding me firmly in place as my pleasure took over every part of me.

It felt like hours before the pleasure finally started to fade, and even then, it was slow to ebb. Wave after wave coursed through me, every nerve ending incinerated with heat.

I loved every second of it.

Eventually, the sensation subsided, and I collapsed against his thigh. He was still hard, and the feel of his cock pressing against my belly was enough to make me clench.

“You did so well, baby girl,” he said, his voice thick with desire.

His arms wrapped around me as he lifted me from his lap. Carefully, he sat me back down on the kitchen stool in front of my empty plate and coffee mug.

He didn’t pull my panties back up.

Instead, he picked up the mug and passed it to me. The coffee had cooled, and I drank it greedily, needing to moisten the back of my throat from all of my screaming. He knelt down and whisked my panties from my legs, tucking them in his pocket with a sly grin.

“You will leave that pretty pussy bare and wet for me, sassy girl. Now, finish your breakfast while I finish mine,” he demanded.

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled. I was still a little wobbly, but I managed to finish my breakfast and by the time I was done, he moved to clear my plate.

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