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They were waiting for him next to a moss-covered oak tree. The forest had appeared not long after the city had been founded.

The story was that the fae had opened the first door to Faerie there, and the forest had moved in overnight. Vanth could only imagine how many doors they had now. The ruling council didn't care as long as the doors opened into the fae district. It gave them more of an incentive to guard them and ensure no monsters decided to come through.

The monsters could wear a kind face too, so only the gods knew what was actually lurking in the woods. That was the thing about Inferno—there was always a bigger monster to take you out if you stepped out of line.

Eiline smiled weakly at him. "I know you are angry, but one day, you will understand. Now, stay close to me. There are few who can get to my father's land, and if you wander off, I won't be able to find you again."

Vanth looked at Elektra. "Want to hold hands? You know, just to make sure you don't get lost."

"If you are scared of the woods, just say so," she shot back.

Eiline was looking curiously between them but shook herself. She searched through her pockets and pulled out a handful of random items. Amongst the spools of thread, dried flowers, and toothpicks was a bent iron nail. She took the nail and put the rest of the items back in her pocket.

"Stay close," she repeated and placed the iron on her palm. She whispered soft words to it in a fae dialect Vanth barely knew. It was like a mash-up of Gaelic and Old Norse, and he caught something of the rhyme being about smiths and forges.

Beside him, Elektra sucked in a sharp breath. "Sothat'swho your grandfather is. I've changed my mind. Maybe we should hold hands."

"Too late, princess. I want my hands free in case I need to kill something," Vanth replied. He took his dagger and sheath from his boot and tucked it into the band of his jeans for easy access.

Elektra had one of her sickles out but hadn't released the blade. "Good point."

The nail in Eiline's hand straightened itself out and began to spin like the needle of a compass.

"Follow me," she said, her eyes sparkling with delight. "He's going to be so happy to see you, Tarael." He couldn't remember the last time his mother seemed so excited. He couldn't stay mad at her despite the sting he felt about being lied to for so many years.

The forest closed in around them, and he felt like the world was holding his breath. His mother took the lead, following the direction of the iron nail in her hand. Elektra didn't seem to find any of it odd, but he supposed it was because she had lived more time amongst the fae than he did. For all he knew, the hand full of junk in his mother's pocket were all enchanted objects.

One thing Vanth remembered from all the fairy tales was to stay on the path when walking through an enchanted wood. His mother seemed to ignore this advice altogether.

"I hope that we aren't going to end up in some gingerbread house in a cage together," he said to Elektra.

"I really doubt that would've been your first time in a cage." Elektra smiled at him, and he felt the swift bite of attraction sink its teeth into him again. Under any other circumstances, if he had met a necromancer like her, he would have asked her out. Her scent reminded him of some kind of mix of pine, cinnamon and the flavor of her magic when she used it… He shook himself.Definitely not the time to be having those kinds of thoughts. He wasn't even sure that reapers like her could go on dates.

"If you keep talking to me like that, I'm going to think that you're hot for me, princess," he teased. "And no, it wouldn't be the first time I was in a cage."

Ahead of them, his mother was leaping from stone to stone across a stream and humming to herself.

"How long do you think she will stay lucid for?" Elektra asked.

"Hopefully, long enough to get us where we are going, or we will be properly fucked." Vanth looked about at the dark forest. He didn't like the feeling that it was watching him. He pointed to the rocks. "Ladies first."

"Oh, no, godling. After you. I told your mother I would watch your back. She's scarier than you," Elektra replied. Despite her teasing tone, she was studying the dark water.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just thought I saw something. I haven't been in Faerie for a long time, and it's messing with me."

Vanth stared at the trees. "We have passed into Faerie?"

"A little while back. The change is subtle. Maybe a half-blood isn't as sensitive to it."

On the other side of the stream, Eiline waved at them. "Hurry up, children!"

Vanth hopped out onto the first stone, and when he didn't immediately slip over and fall on his ass, he hopped to the next. He was almost at the far bank when the hair on the back of his neck stood up, and he turned back to check on Elektra. She was moving across the stones with a lot more grace than he had, her booted feet moving swiftly and surely.

Vanth was about to turn back around when the water rippled beside Elektra. He opened his mouth to shout a warning whena head made of water, weed, mud, and teeth lunged for her. She went sprawling backward into the water.

"Elektra!" He shouted, pulling out his dagger and diving after her.

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