Page 66 of Five Alarm Kiss

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She quickly grabbed the closest photo she could reach. “I meant this!”

The corner of his mouth tugged up.

Kill me now.

Laurel looked at the picture she was holding. It was a photo of Jake and his sister by the lake. Jessa was wearing a pretty blue sundress with white stars on it, and Jake was clad in red, white, and blue shorts and a matching short-sleeved, button-down shirt. His entire ensemble looked like the American flag had thrown up on it.

“I hope this was the Fourth of July,” she quipped, “otherwise we need to get you a stylist.”

She felt the heat from his body behind her before she heard the deep rumble of his laugh.

“What? You don’t think I look hot there?”

“You always look hot.”


She wasnotsupposed to have said that out loud!

He trailed his fingers along the back of her neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

“I do, huh?” He nuzzled her hair with his cheek.

“Um…” She tried to gulp down the baseball sized lump in her throat. “I guess,” she croaked out.

He kissed the side of her neck. “You guess?”

“I mean, you’re…uh…” Why was her mouth so dry? She swallowed again and licked her lips. “Cute.”

“With really sexy eyes.”


“At Hannah’s.” He turned her to face him. “You said I had really sexy eyes.”

He remembers what I said?

She looked up into his—yep, really sexy eyes—which, at the moment, made her feel like they were seeing right through her. Heat started creeping up her neck. “I—” She cleared her throat. “I did?”

Can I crawl into a hole and die now, please?

“You said I was, and I quote, ‘a really hot puppy with really sexy eyes’.”

Fudge! Did I say that?

Unfortunately, the ghost of a memory floating through her brain confirmed she had.

Deflect! Deflect!

“I don’t remember saying that,” she lied. “And why would I call you a puppy?” Now, that part she honestly didn’t remember.

Cranberries.What else had she said that she didn’t recall?

He threaded his fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck and started stroking behind her ear with his thumb. Every pass of his skin set off little fireworks in her blood, sending heat sizzling through her veins.

What’s he doing to me?

“You thought I was too young for you,” he rasped in her ear before tracing it with his tongue.

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