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“I found you in that forest, in the hands of monsters. They’d have killed you slowly and painfully…” Rogue wore a neat white button up, though he was undoing the cuffs as I watched. “I saved you. When am I going to see some gratitude?”

I hated that mantra.

He’d found me in hell itself, and instead of putting a bullet in my skull like I’d begged, he’d brought me here.

Psychotic, cruel, and insane, this monster had seen me curled up and broken on a distant forest floor and decided he wanted a claim.

The only claim he’d ever made before or since.

I hated him.

But everything was worse now. Now, I’d fled and failed.

I was tired and hope was a faded, distant smudge, slowly vanishing into the horizon.

“You’re mine,” he said quietly. “There is nowhere you can go that I won’t find you.”

I shivered, silencing the broken sound that wanted to escape as I saw him tug a pair of brass knuckles from his pocket.

“Hell.” The word slipped out before I could stop it.


“Try dragging me back from Hell.”

There was something dangerous in his eyes as he stood, fist closing painfully in my hair as he dragged me up to face him.

“Tell me what that means?” His voice was quiet and calm.

A threat in its own right. I clenched my jaw, but didn’t answer. I wouldn’t, and I didn’t have to.

He could torture me tonight, but I had nothing left, and there was one thing he couldn’t stop me from doing, not unless he wanted to chain me down here to rot forever.

I finally had nothing left to live for.

And that meant he couldn’t keep me.

But none of that was enough to save me from the fury I could see in his eyes right now. From the pain that was coming my way.

“You’ll get over it.” He cuffed me on the cheek, teeth flashing against dusky skin. “And tonight? It’s just business, Knox.” I didn’t look at him as he got to his feet, his voice hateful. “What else do you suggest I do with a pet that won’t do as he’s told?”



I woke in a sweat, pulling off my top sheet and sitting up.

I needed…


The side table came into focus. The one with a decanter full of golden liquid. I was on my feet, trying to calm my heart when?—

“Mother above—!” I caught myself on the bedpost before I bailed completely, almost crashing into something small on the floor beside my bed.

Thistle blinked up at me, messy black hair tumbling over her shoulders in waves, wearing nothing but black lace.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, sinking back down and trying to reorient myself.

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