Page 2 of Trusting Thorn

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"You won't know what to do once you're properly rested," Ms. K teased.

I sigh dramatically, wiping the back of my hand across my forehead. "Whatever will I do?" I say, laying my Georgia accent on thick.

Ms. K rolls her eyes, but I can see the smile pulling at her lips. "Well, I'm sure that little firecracker of yours will keep you plenty busy."

“That’s for darn sure.” I laugh.

"I hate to put a damper on the mood, but are you still having trouble with the doctor?”

I blow out a breath, my good mood evaporating instantly. Dr. Reynold is a thorn in my side. For months he’s been asking me out, and I’ve done everything in my power to politely decline. Apparently, he doesn’t understand the concept of a woman not being interested and has decided it makes me some sort of challenge he now has to conquer.

"He's still being a creep," I admit. "It's like he goes out of his way to get me alone so he can pressure me for a date." Don't get me wrong, he’s a decent looking man for his age, but there will never come a time where I’ll date a co-worker and risk my career. Not to mention there’s just something off about the guy. Something in his eyes that makes me want to run in the opposite direction.

Ms. K's eyes narrow. "I don't like the sound of that. Have you reported him to HR?"

I shake my head. "I've thought about it, but..." I trail off, not wanting to admit that I’m afraid he’ll do something to get me fired if I make waves. "It's complicated. He's well-liked by the hospital administration, and I don’t want to risk my job."

Ms. K reaches out and pats my knee. "I understand, dear. But promise me you'll be careful. And if it gets worse, you'll tell someone?"

I place my hand on top of hers, grateful for her concern. "I promise. But enough about him, how'd she do last night?" I nod in the direction of Morgan's room, eager to change the subject.

Ms. K shakes her head, a big smile taking over her face. “That girl of yours is an angel."

I grin, glad I’m not the only one who thinks so. "She did her homework without a fuss, ate all her dinner, and was in bed by eight-thirty."

"Wow, maybe I should leave you in charge more often," I joke, part of me feeling guilty that I miss those things while I’m at work.

Ms. K chuckles.

"Before I forget," I reach into my scrub pocket, pull out the small wad of cash, and tuck it in her hand.

"You know you don't have to do this. I enjoy spending time with Morgy," she says.

I appreciate the fact she would watch my girl for free, but there is no way I'd ever take advantage of her kindness. Plus, I know how tight of a budget she is on. "I couldn't do any of this without you, Ms. K." It’s the truth. With my schedule, finding childcare I can trust is worth its weight in gold.

She grins, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm going to miss you both while I'm gone."

Admittedly, it takes me a second to remember she’s going up to Jacksonville to visit her daughter and grandchildren. "Oh, that's right," I shake my head, smiling. "Have a great time with your family. Tell Sarah I said hi."

Ms. K opens her arms. "Give me a hug before I go."

Without hesitating, I climb off the loveseat and step into the circle of her arms, wrapping my own around her.

I don’t know what I'd do without her.

She’s more than just Morgan’s babysitter; she’s family.

Squeezing once more, she pulls away, grabs her pocketbook, and smiles over her shoulder as she takes off out the door.

Like I always do, I keep my eyes on her as she makes her way down the steps and rounds the corner out of sight.

After closing the door, I take a deep breath and head down the hallway towards Morgan's room.

Time to wake the dragon.

Turning the knob quietly, I push open her door and the sight of her curled up in bed, her blonde curls splayed across the pillow, makes my heart swell.

This is what makes all the long nights and hard days worth it.

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