Page 140 of Kingmakers, Year One

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He would do whatever it took to achieve his goal. No matter the risk, no matter the cost.

I can’t plan anything until I know what we’ll be facing in the third challenge. It’s a secret, of course—none of us are supposed to know ahead of time. No one is supposed to have an advantage.

But I can assume that Professor Howell will be organizing it, as he did with the first two challenges.

So for the final weeks of the term, Valon, Bram, and I shadow Professor Howell everywhere he goes. We watch and we wait.

Finally, three days before the competition, I see him begin to make preparations. I follow him as he leaves campus, scouting out locations. And then I trail him again as he goes down below the Armory and begins to fill the scuba tanks.



Dating Leo is as easy as slipping into a warm bath.

I wondered if it would feel strange holding hands with him, kissing him, being openly romantic with him. Instead it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Even Miles doesn’t seem to find it odd.

The first time he sees us holding hands, he just rolls his eyes and says, “Fucking finally. Are you both gonna stop tragically moping like somebody died?”

“You don’t think it’s weird?” I ask him nervously.

“Hate to break it to you,” Miles says, “but you two ain’t subtle. You’ve had a realSweet Home Alabamavibe since you were about twelve.”

“Why didn’t you ever say anything, then?” Leo demands.

“ ‘Cause of my finely honed sense of delicacy,” Miles says. “Also, I don’t give a shit. Fuck each other or don’t. Just stop sulking about it.”

“That makes me feel a little better,” I say. If Miles thought it was gross, he definitely wouldn’t hold back in saying so. He’s about as delicate as a stampeding bison.

“So you think everyone will be cool about it?” Leo says. “We haven’t told our parents yet . . .”

“Oh, hell no,” Miles says. “Papa Miko isn’t gonna be cool about this at all. He’s gonna fuckin’ murder you, Leo. I thought that was obvious.”

“Really?” Leo looks slightly green.

“Oh, yeah. Like slowly and painfully. We’re gonna find little pieces of you all over Chicago. So definitely enjoy your last week at school. It’s probably all you’ve got left.”

I can tell Leo’s life is flashing before his eyes. He’s staring at Miles blankly, not laughing at all.

I grab his shoulder and shake it. “He’s joking, Leo.”

“I’m not joking.”


“Totally serious.”

“Cut it out.”

“That’s what Papa Miko’s gonna say—talking about your liver, Leo.”

I punch Miles hard in the shoulder. He just laughs and saunters off, calling back over his shoulder, “I want your Jeep, Leo! Leave it to me in your will!”

I look up at Leo, whose eyes are taking up half his face.

“He’s joking, baby. My dad loves you.”

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